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x Title: Taking dowm the coffin (top left) The bier with coffin on the ranté at Kondongan, Sa'adan Toradja funerary rites (Neg. C1033) (bottom left) Cylindrical coffin with solar design (allo) in bier awaiting entombment procession with wailing women. Sa'adan Toradja, Kondongan (Neg. C 1034).

No results found matching your filter for 'Taking dowm the coffin (top left) The bier with coffin on the ranté at Kondongan, Sa'adan Toradja funerary rites (Neg. C1033) (bottom left) Cylindrical coffin with solar design (allo) in bier awaiting entombment procession with wailing women. Sa'adan Toradja, Kondongan (Neg. C 1034).'. Try another filter or search by keyword.