Mary Jane Godwin, formerly Clairmont, née de Vial (1768-1841), English translator and bookseller. She was the second wife of philosopher and novelist William Godwin, and together they ran the M. J. Godwin Co. Juvenile Library bookshop and imprint. Her daughter was Claire Clairmont, mistress of Lord Byron, and her stepdaughter was Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein. · To Charles Aldis, surgeon and antiquarian : 1 autograph note signed : 17 Jul 1837 : (MJG 0015) : returning to him a copy of Godwin's Sketches of History ; on mourning stationery. A note in Aldis's hand on the back explains that "Mrs. Godwin borrowed these sermons for her Daughter, Mrs. Shelley to notice them in her memoirs of her late Father ..." ; within burgundy cloth clamshell case also housing the book. Shelved as Pforz (Godwin, W. Sketches of history) copy 3.
Biographical/historical: Mary Jane Godwin, formerly Clairmont, née de Vial (1768-1841), English translator and bookseller. She was the second wife of philosopher and novelist William Godwin, and together they ran the M. J. Godwin Co. Juvenile Library bookshop and imprint. Her daughter was Claire Clairmont, mistress of Lord Byron, and her stepdaughter was Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein.
Content: · To Charles Aldis, surgeon and antiquarian : 1 autograph note signed : 17 Jul 1837 : (MJG 0015) : returning to him a copy of Godwin's Sketches of History ; on mourning stationery. A note in Aldis's hand on the back explains that "Mrs. Godwin borrowed these sermons for her Daughter, Mrs. Shelley to notice them in her memoirs of her late Father ..." ; within burgundy cloth clamshell case also housing the book. Shelved as Pforz (Godwin, W. Sketches of history) copy 3.
· To Laman Blanchard, author and journalist : 6 autograph letters signed : 6 May 1835 - 16 May 1839 : (MJG 0009-0014) : on various subjects, mostly relating to her family, including Mr. Godwin, Claire, and William Jr.
· To Aaron Burr, third Vice President of the United States : 1 autograph letter signed : 28 Nov [1808] : (MJG 0005) : begins, "There is a point in which some information you have the power to give might be of singular service to Mr. Godwin and to his family...".
· To Hobart Caunter, writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Oct 1837 : (MJG 0008) : begins, "Not a sight of you as promised, nor a word in black and white!".
· To George Dawe, history and portrait painter : 1 autograph letter signed : ca. 1805-1809 : (MJG 0002) : begins, "I am much obliged by your attention and extremely sorry to hear of your illness.".
· To George Dyer, author and advocate of political reform : 1letter : 25 Dec 1836 : (MJG 0004) : in the hand of an amanuensis ; describing her new home, and her recent injury.
· To Mr. John Flather, Jr. : 1 autograph letter signed : ?9 Jun 1809 : (MJG 0003) : hoping that he might be able to settle a disagreement between Mr. Godwin and Mr. Turner.
· To Mary Hays, novelist : 1 autograph letter signed : 30 Nov 1837 : (MJG 0006) : begins, "It gave me I assure you a high degree of pleasure to receive a note from you ...".
· To John Howard Payne, American actor and dramatist : 1 autograph letter signed : ca. 26 Dec 1832 : (G 0373) : on the verso of a letter from William Godwin to Payne. Filed under William Godwin.
· To Messrs. Robinson, publishers : 1 autograph letter signed : 28 Jul 1802 : (MJG 0001) : requesting payment for the translation of Voltaire she had completed.
· To an unknown recipient : 1 autograph letter signed (draft) : ca. 1838 : (MJG 0007) : on the subject of a diet for infants "more adapted to their health and comfort than has hitherto been brought into use." Along with an autograph clean copy of the above, unfinished.
Content: Also available is a certified copy of Mary Jane Godwin's death cirtificate, dated 19 Oct 1938 (G'ANA 0030), accompanied by paperwork in German, bearing government seals. The document was removed from the papers of the Clairmont family (see record for Clairmont family papers)
Content: Copies of some Mary Jane Godwin letters, in the hand of Claire Clairmont, are included in Clairmont's papers prepared for Trelawny, relating to Byron and Shelley (CLCL 0026). Clairmont's copies display multiple, extensive cancellations and insertions, which are sometimes followed closely by a neater copy of a different version of the same letter. Clairmont Correspondence editor Marion Stocking warns, "careful scholars have avoided using anything from these copies not independently verifiable" -- (p. 659)