All Collections

Der letzte Zauberer: Oper in 2 Akten
Der letzte Zauberer: Oper in 2 Akten
1 item
Deux amours
Deux amours
1 item
Deux nocturnes pour le piano-forte, op. 32
Deux nocturnes pour le piano-forte, op. 32
1 item
Deux nocturnes pour le pianoforte, op. 55
Deux nocturnes pour le pianoforte, op. 55
1 item
Diarios y memorias de los svcessos principales, y noticias mas sobresalientes en esta ciudad de Lima: corte del Perù, desde 17. del mes de mayo del año de 1700 hasta fines de diziembre de 1711. Con las qve se han recibido por cartas, y gazetas, de Euro...
Diarios y memorias de los svcessos principales, y noticias mas sobresalientes en esta ciudad de Lima: corte del Perù, desde 17. del mes de mayo del año de 1700 hasta fines de diziembre de 1711. Con las qve se han recibido por cartas, y gazetas, de Euro...
1 item
Die Brüder Gemeinde Bethlehem in Nord America in Pensylvanien....
Die Brüder Gemeinde Bethlehem in Nord America in Pensylvanien....
1 item
Die Götterbraut
Die Götterbraut
1 item
Die freundliche Bewillkommung der saltzburgischen Emigranten in Leipzig, Anno 1732 ...
Die freundliche Bewillkommung der saltzburgischen Emigranten in Leipzig, Anno 1732 ...
1 item
Die Österreichische Völkerbundanleihe: Materialien und Daten nach dem Stande vom 31. Dezember 1924
Die Österreichische Völkerbundanleihe: Materialien und Daten nach dem Stande vom 31. Dezember 1924
1 item
Discours prononcé par M. l'Evêque de Viviers, avant de prêter son serment civique, le dimanche 6 février 1791
Discours prononcé par M. l'Evêque de Viviers, avant de prêter son serment civique, le dimanche 6 février 1791
1 item
Dissertation sur la generation et les transformations des insectes de Surinam: dans laquelle on traite des vers et des chenilles de Surinam, des plantes, fleurs, & fruits dont ils vivent & dans lesquels on les a trouvez
Dissertation sur la generation et les transformations des insectes de Surinam: dans laquelle on traite des vers et des chenilles de Surinam, des plantes, fleurs, & fruits dont ils vivent & dans lesquels on les a trouvez
1 item
Dominii e protettorati italiani nell'eritrea e regioni limitrofe: (Sudan, Abissinia, Harar)
Dominii e protettorati italiani nell'eritrea e regioni limitrofe: (Sudan, Abissinia, Harar)
1 item
Dos fechas: holograph
Dos fechas: holograph
1 item
Dr. Faust
Dr. Faust
1 item
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or, a mis-spent life: a drama in four acts
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or, a mis-spent life: a drama in four acts
1 item
Dragon tree & peak of Teneriffe
Dragon tree & peak of Teneriffe
1 item
Dvorets Sovetov: Vsesoiuznyĭ konkurs 1932 g. : izdanie soiuza sovetskikh arkhitektorov i Vserossiĭskogo kooperativnogo soiuza rabotnikov izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv
Dvorets Sovetov: Vsesoiuznyĭ konkurs 1932 g. : izdanie soiuza sovetskikh arkhitektorov i Vserossiĭskogo kooperativnogo soiuza rabotnikov izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv
1 item
Early German woodcut of a New World scene
Early German woodcut of a New World scene
1 item
Earthquakes, tokens of God's power and wrath
Earthquakes, tokens of God's power and wrath
1 item
Eccles' Mill and Pond, Fayettevile, North Carolina
Eccles' Mill and Pond, Fayettevile, North Carolina
1 item
Eda Glaser microfilm collection
Eda Glaser microfilm collection
1 item
Ehon Tsūhōshi
Ehon Tsūhōshi
1 item
El Brasil restituido
El Brasil restituido
1 item
Elegy for viola and piano
Elegy for viola and piano
1 item
Elementos de analogía y sintaxis de la lengua castellana, extractados de la Gramática de la Real academia española
Elementos de analogía y sintaxis de la lengua castellana, extractados de la Gramática de la Real academia española
1 item
Elisabeth Grace and Rachel Martin.
Elisabeth Grace and Rachel Martin.
1 item
Elizabeth De Hart Bleecker diary
Elizabeth De Hart Bleecker diary
1 item
Elizabeth Margaret Chandler
Elizabeth Margaret Chandler
1 item
Ellen Merton, the belle of Lowell: or, The confessions of the "G.F.K." Club.
Ellen Merton, the belle of Lowell: or, The confessions of the "G.F.K." Club.
1 item
Empire des Abissins: comme il est presentement
Empire des Abissins: comme il est presentement
1 item
Enfants jouant à la balle.
Enfants jouant à la balle.
1 item
Epitaph suite: Inquisition move[ment.
Epitaph suite: Inquisition move[ment.
1 item
Erste Internationale Dada-Messe
Erste Internationale Dada-Messe
1 item
Etudes et caprices pour le violon seul, oeuv. 35, cah. V no. 18-24
Etudes et caprices pour le violon seul, oeuv. 35, cah. V no. 18-24
1 item
1 item
Ex libris Solomon Schechter
Ex libris Solomon Schechter
1 item
Exchange Hotel and Ballard House, Richmond, Va.
Exchange Hotel and Ballard House, Richmond, Va.
1 item
Extracts from the evidence delivered before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, in the years 1790 and 1791 : on the part of the petitioners for the abolition of the slave-trade
Extracts from the evidence delivered before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, in the years 1790 and 1791 : on the part of the petitioners for the abolition of the slave-trade
1 item
Eye disease called “tunnel vision”
Eye disease called “tunnel vision”
1 item
F Street, Denver.
F Street, Denver.
1 item
Results 5,441 - 5,480 | Top
F.M. Arouet de Voltaire
F.M. Arouet de Voltaire
1 item
Facts and documents connected with the late insurrection in Jamaica, and the violations of civil and religious liberty arising out of it
Facts and documents connected with the late insurrection in Jamaica, and the violations of civil and religious liberty arising out of it
1 item
Fall River, Mass, 1852.
Fall River, Mass, 1852.
1 item
Falls of the Indian Brook opposite West Point, N.Y.
Falls of the Indian Brook opposite West Point, N.Y.
1 item
Fancy costumes: scrapbook, approximately 1920-1932
Fancy costumes: scrapbook, approximately 1920-1932
1 item
Fantaisie pour le piano, op. 49 F minor
Fantaisie pour le piano, op. 49 F minor
1 item
Farewell address
Farewell address
1 item
Fifteen Pueblo Indians who are in Washington in aim to keep the firewater out of their territory in the state of New Mexico...
Fifteen Pueblo Indians who are in Washington in aim to keep the firewater out of their territory in the state of New Mexico...
1 item
Fifteen years of a dancer's life, with some account of her distinguished friends
Fifteen years of a dancer's life, with some account of her distinguished friends
1 item
Fifth Avenue from 42nd Street, looking north.
Fifth Avenue from 42nd Street, looking north.
1 item
Fifth Avenue from 42nd Street, looking south.
Fifth Avenue from 42nd Street, looking south.
1 item
Financial instructions in relation to army accounts. 1910. Reprinted with amendments to 1st September, 1914
Financial instructions in relation to army accounts. 1910. Reprinted with amendments to 1st September, 1914
1 item
Financial report [from April, 1893 to Jan., 1897]
Financial report [from April, 1893 to Jan., 1897]
1 item
First view of the battle of Patapsco Neck [Baltimore Maryland]
First view of the battle of Patapsco Neck [Baltimore Maryland]
1 item
Five preludes, passacaglias, and fugues : For string (quartet or orchestra)
Five preludes, passacaglias, and fugues : For string (quartet or orchestra)
1 item
Folks from Dixie: with illustrations by E. W. Kemble
Folks from Dixie: with illustrations by E. W. Kemble
1 item
Fort Niagara statement of account with Edward Pollard
Fort Niagara statement of account with Edward Pollard
1 item
Fort Ontario ledger
Fort Ontario ledger
1 item
Fort Pickens, Pensacola Harbor, Florida.
Fort Pickens, Pensacola Harbor, Florida.
1 item
Four years in Europe: the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth in the Old World
Four years in Europe: the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth in the Old World
1 item
Fourth of July parade passing New York Public Library off Fifth Avenue.
Fourth of July parade passing New York Public Library off Fifth Avenue.
1 item
Fragment of a cello part for the Trio, op. 87
Fragment of a cello part for the Trio, op. 87
1 item
Frances Burney d'Arblay
Frances Burney d'Arblay
1 item
Francis & Day's new and original ball-room dances, containing full descriptions of all their latest prize dances
Francis & Day's new and original ball-room dances, containing full descriptions of all their latest prize dances
1 item
Francis Stanfell papers
Francis Stanfell papers
1 item
Frankenstein: or, The modern Prometheus; to which is added vol. 1 of F. Schiller's The Ghost-Seer
Frankenstein: or, The modern Prometheus; to which is added vol. 1 of F. Schiller's The Ghost-Seer
1 item
Freedom: a fable
Freedom: a fable
1 item
From a contemporary print. Federal Hall, Wall Street and Trinity Church, New York in 1789.
From a contemporary print. Federal Hall, Wall Street and Trinity Church, New York in 1789.
1 item
From the ball-room to hell
From the ball-room to hell
1 item
Front view of the New York Post Office....
Front view of the New York Post Office....
1 item
Fubo onju kyo
Fubo onju kyo
1 item
Full-blooded Yankee
Full-blooded Yankee
1 item
Fulton St. and Market.
Fulton St. and Market.
1 item
Funeral notice: Hippie, in the Haight Ashbury Disctrict of this city, Hippie, devoted son of Mass Media : Friends are invited to attend services beginning a sunrise, October 6, 1967, at Buena Vista Park
Funeral notice: Hippie, in the Haight Ashbury Disctrict of this city, Hippie, devoted son of Mass Media : Friends are invited to attend services beginning a sunrise, October 6, 1967, at Buena Vista Park
1 item
Gadla Estifanos e Abakerazun
Gadla Estifanos e Abakerazun
1 item
Gag book
Gag book
1 item
Galley proofs for the novel Germinal, with the author's manuscript corrections
Galley proofs for the novel Germinal, with the author's manuscript corrections
1 item
Garfield and Arthur Republican campaign song book, 1880
Garfield and Arthur Republican campaign song book, 1880
1 item
Genealogical chronology of the world before Christ, giving the origin, genealogy and chronology of the earliest races of mankind
Genealogical chronology of the world before Christ, giving the origin, genealogy and chronology of the earliest races of mankind
1 item
General view of the great Yo-Semite Valley Mariposa County, California.
General view of the great Yo-Semite Valley Mariposa County, California.
1 item
Results 5,481 - 5,520 | Top
Gentlemen at a richly laid table
Gentlemen at a richly laid table
1 item
George Clinton Genet cash book
George Clinton Genet cash book
1 item
George Endicott diary
George Endicott diary
1 item
George Washington St. John, citizen and (upon occasion) soldier.
George Washington St. John, citizen and (upon occasion) soldier.
1 item
George Washington notebook as a Virginia colonel
George Washington notebook as a Virginia colonel
1 item
Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
1 item
Gilbert Academy and Agricultural College, Winsted, Louisiana: sketches and incidents, selections from journal
Gilbert Academy and Agricultural College, Winsted, Louisiana: sketches and incidents, selections from journal
1 item
Gochi gozo himitsusho
Gochi gozo himitsusho
1 item
Gospodina Leona Sapīekhi Kantslera Velikagō Kniazhestva Litevskagō Uvieshchatelnoe pisanīe iz Varshavy 1622ō goda do Īōsafata Kūntsevīcha Arkhi-Ep[is]k[o]pa Polotskagō Unīi pisanoe
Gospodina Leona Sapīekhi Kantslera Velikagō Kniazhestva Litevskagō Uvieshchatelnoe pisanīe iz Varshavy 1622ō goda do Īōsafata Kūntsevīcha Arkhi-Ep[is]k[o]pa Polotskagō Unīi pisanoe
1 item
Gouverneur & Kemble cash book
Gouverneur & Kemble cash book
1 item
Gov. Houston in exile
Gov. Houston in exile
1 item
Graded exercises and songs for school and home, Part I
Graded exercises and songs for school and home, Part I
1 item
Grand Battle of N. Orleans, under the veteran General Andrew Jackson.
Grand Battle of N. Orleans, under the veteran General Andrew Jackson.
1 item
Grand Parade of the Knights Templar Triennial Conclave, San Francisco, August 20, 1883.
Grand Parade of the Knights Templar Triennial Conclave, San Francisco, August 20, 1883.
1 item
Grande sonate pour le clavecin ou forte-piano, oeuvre 26
Grande sonate pour le clavecin ou forte-piano, oeuvre 26
1 item
Grandfather's clock
Grandfather's clock
1 item
Great suspension bridge at Lewiston and Queenston, over the Niagara River six miles below Niagara Falls.
Great suspension bridge at Lewiston and Queenston, over the Niagara River six miles below Niagara Falls.
1 item
Green umbrella with a parrot-headed handle, like that carried by Mary Poppins
Green umbrella with a parrot-headed handle, like that carried by Mary Poppins
1 item
Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village
1 item
Gregory Hines as Scrooge in the stage production Comin' Uptown.
Gregory Hines as Scrooge in the stage production Comin' Uptown.
1 item
Group of three men
Group of three men
1 item
1 item
Guinée entre Serre-Lione et le passage de la Ligne
Guinée entre Serre-Lione et le passage de la Ligne
1 item
H.M.S. Aeolus and H.M.S. Norwich logbooks
H.M.S. Aeolus and H.M.S. Norwich logbooks
1 item
Hacket's Town, Warren Co., N.J.
Hacket's Town, Warren Co., N.J.
1 item
Hackley & Harrison's hotel and apartment guide for colored travelers: board, rooms, garage accommodations, etc. in 300 cities in the United States and Canada.
Hackley & Harrison's hotel and apartment guide for colored travelers: board, rooms, garage accommodations, etc. in 300 cities in the United States and Canada.
1 item
Handbook of the 10-pr. jointed B.L. gun: mule equipment, 1914
Handbook of the 10-pr. jointed B.L. gun: mule equipment, 1914
1 item
Hannes in Amerika: Seine Erfahrungen in Deutschland und Amerika, in schwäbischen Knittelversen ... Mit einem Anhang: Das Lob der Schwaben von demselben Verfasser
Hannes in Amerika: Seine Erfahrungen in Deutschland und Amerika, in schwäbischen Knittelversen ... Mit einem Anhang: Das Lob der Schwaben von demselben Verfasser
1 item
Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A
Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A
1 item
Harper's February.
Harper's February.
1 item
Hayes & Wheeler song book
Hayes & Wheeler song book
1 item
Hayes and Wheeler campaign song book, for the centennial year: containing over sixty original songs, adapted to popular melodies
Hayes and Wheeler campaign song book, for the centennial year: containing over sixty original songs, adapted to popular melodies
1 item
Hayes song and joke book
Hayes song and joke book
1 item
Head of an old Spaniard
Head of an old Spaniard
1 item
1 item
Henry Laurens diary
Henry Laurens diary
1 item
Henry Ten Eyck docket of actions at law and related documents
Henry Ten Eyck docket of actions at law and related documents
1 item
Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales
Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales
1 item
Her enemy, some friends--and other personages: stories and studies mostly of human hearts
Her enemy, some friends--and other personages: stories and studies mostly of human hearts
1 item
Hercules killing Cacus.
Hercules killing Cacus.
1 item
Results 5,521 - 5,560 | Top
Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid
Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid
1 item
Hieronymi Cardani...De Svbtilitate Libri XXI
Hieronymi Cardani...De Svbtilitate Libri XXI
1 item
1 item
Histoire du Tabac: ou il traite particulierement du tabac en poudre
Histoire du Tabac: ou il traite particulierement du tabac en poudre
1 item
Histoire du regne de Mouley Ismael roy de Maroc, Fez, Tafilet, Souz, &c
Histoire du regne de Mouley Ismael roy de Maroc, Fez, Tafilet, Souz, &c
1 item
Histoire naturelle du cacao, et du sucre, divisée en deux traités, qui contiennent plusieurs faits nouveaux, & beaucoup d'observations également curieuses & utiles
Histoire naturelle du cacao, et du sucre, divisée en deux traités, qui contiennent plusieurs faits nouveaux, & beaucoup d'observations également curieuses & utiles
1 item
Historia de Abrahamo, et de Gomorro-Sodomitica eversione ex Alcorano, ejusque Surata XIVta & XVta Arabicè: E probatiss. cod. mss. fidelissimè deprompta, cum quamplurimis exemplaribus accurate ac diligentissimè collata, nec non commodioris interpretatio...
Historia de Abrahamo, et de Gomorro-Sodomitica eversione ex Alcorano, ejusque Surata XIVta & XVta Arabicè: E probatiss. cod. mss. fidelissimè deprompta, cum quamplurimis exemplaribus accurate ac diligentissimè collata, nec non commodioris interpretatio...
1 item
Historic sketches of the South
Historic sketches of the South
1 item
History of the 116th Regiment U.S.C. Infantry: from its organization in the early part of the spring and summer of 1864, to the present time, giving a list of names of all officers and enlisted men who have ever belonged to the regiment
History of the 116th Regiment U.S.C. Infantry: from its organization in the early part of the spring and summer of 1864, to the present time, giving a list of names of all officers and enlisted men who have ever belonged to the regiment
1 item
History of the First African Baptist Church : from its organization, January 20th, 1788, to July 1st, 1888. Including the centennial celebration, addresses, sermons, etc.
History of the First African Baptist Church : from its organization, January 20th, 1788, to July 1st, 1888. Including the centennial celebration, addresses, sermons, etc.
1 item
History of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
History of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
1 item
History of the Samuel Crosby family of Bristol, New York, with his genealogical record from John Crosby born in England 1440
History of the Samuel Crosby family of Bristol, New York, with his genealogical record from John Crosby born in England 1440
1 item
History, Second Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company, December 1943-May 1945.
History, Second Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company, December 1943-May 1945.
1 item
Hokusai manga
Hokusai manga
1 item
Hollis, Harvard, and Massachusetts Halls
Hollis, Harvard, and Massachusetts Halls
1 item
1 item
Hoyo sho
Hoyo sho
1 item
Hugh Gaine receipt book
Hugh Gaine receipt book
1 item
Ḥaye ha-nefesh
Ḥaye ha-nefesh
1 item
Ḥeleḳ rishon mi-Sefer ha-ʻOlamot, o, Maʻaśeh Ṭoviyah: kolel ha-arbaʻ ʻolamot : ṿe-neḥelaḳ la-ḥamishah ḥalaḳim: ha-ḥeleḳ ha-rishon medaber ba-ʻolam ha-ʻelyon she-hu ʻolam ha-ruḥani : ha-sheni ba-ʻolam ha-emtsaʻi she-hu ʻolam ha-galgalim : ha...
Ḥeleḳ rishon mi-Sefer ha-ʻOlamot, o, Maʻaśeh Ṭoviyah: kolel ha-arbaʻ ʻolamot : ṿe-neḥelaḳ la-ḥamishah ḥalaḳim: ha-ḥeleḳ ha-rishon medaber ba-ʻolam ha-ʻelyon she-hu ʻolam ha-ruḥani : ha-sheni ba-ʻolam ha-emtsaʻi she-hu ʻolam ha-galgalim : ha...
1 item
I ryoun haengsil-to
I ryoun haengsil-to
1 item
I want you for U.S. Army : nearest recruiting station
I want you for U.S. Army : nearest recruiting station
1 item
IV Dollars
IV Dollars
1 item
Il diavolo biondo; romanzo
Il diavolo biondo; romanzo
1 item
Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant
1 item
Imprint of the artist's left hand
Imprint of the artist's left hand
1 item
Improvements on the art of manufacturing grain into flour or meal
Improvements on the art of manufacturing grain into flour or meal
1 item
Improving songs for anxious children
Improving songs for anxious children
1 item
In love, if love be love : Vivian's song
In love, if love be love : Vivian's song
1 item
In old plantation days
In old plantation days
1 item
In the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors: between Richard Abraham, impleaded with J. Thompson, appellant; and C.B. Plestow, and others: respondents
In the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors: between Richard Abraham, impleaded with J. Thompson, appellant; and C.B. Plestow, and others: respondents
1 item
Incantation bowl
Incantation bowl
1 item
Index to the amateur periodicals collection in *DY n. c. 1-187: which consists chiefly of the Bertram Adler, the Charles R. Heins, and the Charles W. Smith collections
Index to the amateur periodicals collection in *DY n. c. 1-187: which consists chiefly of the Bertram Adler, the Charles R. Heins, and the Charles W. Smith collections
1 item
Index to uncatalogued U.S. railway pamphlets (T P R n.c. 1-72)
Index to uncatalogued U.S. railway pamphlets (T P R n.c. 1-72)
1 item
India center--to promote cultural relations between India and America
India center--to promote cultural relations between India and America
1 item
Indian of Guillisani, Lampa, Peru
Indian of Guillisani, Lampa, Peru
1 item
Interior of vestibule, Canal Street front, New Custom House, New Orleans
Interior of vestibule, Canal Street front, New Custom House, New Orleans
1 item
Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale
Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale
1 item
Intérieurs français
Intérieurs français
1 item
Invitation to the wedding ceremony of Edith Jones and Edward R. Wharton
Invitation to the wedding ceremony of Edith Jones and Edward R. Wharton
1 item
Results 5,561 - 5,600 | Top
Invoice from Aaron Lopez to Samuel and William Vernon
Invoice from Aaron Lopez to Samuel and William Vernon
1 item
Ioannis Antonij Sicci De optimo medico: caput primum libri primi De antiqua medicina ejusdem auctoris
Ioannis Antonij Sicci De optimo medico: caput primum libri primi De antiqua medicina ejusdem auctoris
1 item
Ioyfull nevves out of the newe founde worlde : wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diuerse and sundrie hearbes, trees, oyles, plantes, and stones, with their aplications, as well for phisicke as chirurgerie :
Ioyfull nevves out of the newe founde worlde : wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diuerse and sundrie hearbes, trees, oyles, plantes, and stones, with their aplications, as well for phisicke as chirurgerie :
1 item
Irving's residence on the Hudson.]
Irving's residence on the Hudson.]
1 item
Islip church, Long Island, 1842
Islip church, Long Island, 1842
1 item
Isole famose porti: fortezze, e terre maritime sottoposte alla Sig.ria di Venetia, ad altri Principi Christiani, et al Sig.or Turco nouamẽnte poste in luce
Isole famose porti: fortezze, e terre maritime sottoposte alla Sig.ria di Venetia, ad altri Principi Christiani, et al Sig.or Turco nouamẽnte poste in luce
1 item
Iupiter ot ferus est, eius sic fulmen et ales
Iupiter ot ferus est, eius sic fulmen et ales
1 item
J. Punt, Pientre et Graveur
J. Punt, Pientre et Graveur
1 item
J.P. Marat. L'ami du Peuple...
J.P. Marat. L'ami du Peuple...
1 item
Jabez Fitch diary
Jabez Fitch diary
1 item
James Maury letters
James Maury letters
1 item
James Watt dem Erfinder der Dampfmaschine
James Watt dem Erfinder der Dampfmaschine
1 item
Jesus preaching from the ship
Jesus preaching from the ship
1 item
Jews Bill as amended on report
Jews Bill as amended on report
1 item
Jogar Capoëra, ou danse de la guerre
Jogar Capoëra, ou danse de la guerre
1 item
John Hyslop diary
John Hyslop diary
1 item
Johnson's West Indies
Johnson's West Indies
1 item
Joseph Johnson diary
Joseph Johnson diary
1 item
Sed venit hora ut omnis qui interficet vos arbitretur...
Sed venit hora ut omnis qui interficet vos arbitretur...
1 item
Juillet 1991
Juillet 1991
1 item
Julia Conyers album
Julia Conyers album
1 item
Junction of the Potomac and Shenandoah, Virginia.
Junction of the Potomac and Shenandoah, Virginia.
1 item
Juvenile songs, religious, moral, and sentimental: with brief exercises, adapted to the purposes of primary instruction
Juvenile songs, religious, moral, and sentimental: with brief exercises, adapted to the purposes of primary instruction
1 item
Kaart van de Goud-Kust of Kust van Guinea
Kaart van de Goud-Kust of Kust van Guinea
1 item
Kaiser-jubilee march : concert march-two step
Kaiser-jubilee march : concert march-two step
1 item
1 item
Kamernyĭ Orkestr Akademicheskogo Teatra opery i baleta goroda Kazani: ko︠n︡tsert
Kamernyĭ Orkestr Akademicheskogo Teatra opery i baleta goroda Kazani: ko︠n︡tsert
1 item
Khor l︠i︡ubiteleĭ dukhovoĭ muzyki: sosto︠i︡ashchiĭ pod Avgust︠i︡eĭshim Gosudar︠i︡a Imperatora pokrovitelʹstvom : ocherk, 1858-1897
Khor l︠i︡ubiteleĭ dukhovoĭ muzyki: sosto︠i︡ashchiĭ pod Avgust︠i︡eĭshim Gosudar︠i︡a Imperatora pokrovitelʹstvom : ocherk, 1858-1897
1 item
Kirkstall Abbey, near Leeds, Yorkshire
Kirkstall Abbey, near Leeds, Yorkshire
1 item
Kitty Cheatham, her book: A Collection of Songs from the Repertoire of Miss Kitty Cheatham
Kitty Cheatham, her book: A Collection of Songs from the Repertoire of Miss Kitty Cheatham
1 item
1 item
Koyaku zukan
Koyaku zukan
1 item
L'Anatheme dv Tabac
L'Anatheme dv Tabac
1 item
L'Haïtiade: poëme en huit chants
L'Haïtiade: poëme en huit chants
1 item
L'homme orchestre [Berlioz], in La caricature provisoire, November 1, 1838.
L'homme orchestre [Berlioz], in La caricature provisoire, November 1, 1838.
1 item
L'ingénu libertin: ou La marquise et le marmiton
L'ingénu libertin: ou La marquise et le marmiton
1 item
La Nouvelle France, ou La description de la Louisiane: Connuë sous le nom de Misissipi. Nouvellement decouverte par ordre du roy. Avec les mœurs la maniere de vivre des sauvages; les premieres habitations de nos François
La Nouvelle France, ou La description de la Louisiane: Connuë sous le nom de Misissipi. Nouvellement decouverte par ordre du roy. Avec les mœurs la maniere de vivre des sauvages; les premieres habitations de nos François
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La Villa Madama.
La Villa Madama.
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La Villette, rue Asselin, fille publique faisant le quart devant sa porte, 19e
La Villette, rue Asselin, fille publique faisant le quart devant sa porte, 19e
1 item
La cambiale di matrimonio: farsa/del Sigr. Gioacchino Rossini; nel Teatro giustiniana in San Moisè nell'autuno dell' anno 1810 in Venezia
La cambiale di matrimonio: farsa/del Sigr. Gioacchino Rossini; nel Teatro giustiniana in San Moisè nell'autuno dell' anno 1810 in Venezia
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