All Collections

Art nouveau decoration and ameublement
Art nouveau decoration and ameublement
51 items
A selection of hexandrian plants, belonging to the natural orders Amaryllidæ and Liliacæ, from drawings by Mrs. Edward Bury, Liverpool
A selection of hexandrian plants, belonging to the natural orders Amaryllidæ and Liliacæ, from drawings by Mrs. Edward Bury, Liverpool
51 items
Examples of ornamental metal work
Examples of ornamental metal work
50 items
Report upon United States Geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, in charge of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler...U.S. Army. Atlas.
Report upon United States Geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, in charge of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler...U.S. Army. Atlas.
50 items
Prebyvanīe Imperatora Vilʹgelʹma II v Rossīi 1888 g.
Prebyvanīe Imperatora Vilʹgelʹma II v Rossīi 1888 g.
50 items
Al'bom Dukhovnoĭ Missii
Al'bom Dukhovnoĭ Missii
50 items
'Îd kî tahniyat
'Îd kî tahniyat
50 items
James McNeill Whistler (Non-Avery)
James McNeill Whistler (Non-Avery)
50 items
Women of distinction: remarkable in works and invincible in character
Women of distinction: remarkable in works and invincible in character
50 items
Danspace Project Video Archive
Danspace Project Video Archive
50 items
Norman Maen Video Archive
Norman Maen Video Archive
49 items
Views of Brooklyn
Views of Brooklyn
49 items
Photographs by Bedrich Grunzweig
Photographs by Bedrich Grunzweig
49 items
Aunt Phebe, Uncle Tom and others; character studies among the old slaves of the South, fifty years after
Aunt Phebe, Uncle Tom and others; character studies among the old slaves of the South, fifty years after
49 items
Boutiques et magasins [...]
Boutiques et magasins [...]
49 items
Milton, a poem in 2 books: The author & printer W. Blake. To justify the ways of God to men
Milton, a poem in 2 books: The author & printer W. Blake. To justify the ways of God to men
49 items
Photographs of Ellis Island, 1902-1913
Photographs of Ellis Island, 1902-1913
49 items
Photographs showing landscapes, geological and other features of portions of the western territory of the United States, obtained in connection with geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, seasons of 1871, 1872 ...
Photographs showing landscapes, geological and other features of portions of the western territory of the United States, obtained in connection with geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, seasons of 1871, 1872 ...
49 items
Photographs of Indians of the southwest and the plains
Photographs of Indians of the southwest and the plains
49 items
Ellis Island Photographs from the Collection of William Williams, Commissioner of Immigration, 1902-1913
Ellis Island Photographs from the Collection of William Williams, Commissioner of Immigration, 1902-1913
49 items
In motion : the African-American migration experience: Maps by Michael Siegel
In motion : the African-American migration experience: Maps by Michael Siegel
49 items
Projets d'architecture, et autres productions de cet art qui ont mérité les grands prix accordés par l'Académie [...]
Projets d'architecture, et autres productions de cet art qui ont mérité les grands prix accordés par l'Académie [...]
48 items
Karrikatury Napoleona I
Karrikatury Napoleona I
48 items
Al'bom vidov Solovetskogo monastyria i snimkov drevnostei i dostoprimechatel'nostei khraniashchihsia v ee riznitse
Al'bom vidov Solovetskogo monastyria i snimkov drevnostei i dostoprimechatel'nostei khraniashchihsia v ee riznitse
48 items
Fantaisies décoratives composées par J. Habert-Dys : documents pour servir à la décoration des faïences, meubles, tissus, bijoux, appartements, etc. : quarante-huit planches renfermant environ deux cents motifs imprimés en or et couleurs
Fantaisies décoratives composées par J. Habert-Dys : documents pour servir à la décoration des faïences, meubles, tissus, bijoux, appartements, etc. : quarante-huit planches renfermant environ deux cents motifs imprimés en or et couleurs
48 items
Modern plumbing, No. 6
Modern plumbing, No. 6
48 items
Wild animals and birds: their haunts and habits
Wild animals and birds: their haunts and habits
48 items
The history of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire [...] Together with a description of the kingdom of Siam: giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire; of its te...
The history of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire [...] Together with a description of the kingdom of Siam: giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire; of its te...
48 items
The Scottish musical magazine
The Scottish musical magazine
48 items
Art and Artifacts Division Button Collection
Art and Artifacts Division Button Collection
48 items
Il reale giardino di Boboli nella sua pianta e nelle sue statue di Francesco Maria Soldini
Il reale giardino di Boboli nella sua pianta e nelle sue statue di Francesco Maria Soldini
48 items
Maps of Europe
Maps of Europe
48 items
Photographs of the Empire State Building under construction
Photographs of the Empire State Building under construction
47 items
1913 supplement to the World's loose leaf album of apartment houses...
1913 supplement to the World's loose leaf album of apartment houses...
47 items
Cités et Ruines Americaines: Mitla, Palenqué, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal, Atlas
Cités et Ruines Americaines: Mitla, Palenqué, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal, Atlas
47 items
Théorie de la figure humaine considérée dans ses principes soit en repos ou en mouvement
Théorie de la figure humaine considérée dans ses principes soit en repos ou en mouvement
47 items
Golden Jubilee of the General Association of Colored Baptists in Kentucky : The Story of 50 Years' Work from 1865 - 1915. Including many photos and sketches, compiled from unpublished manuscripts and other sources ...
Golden Jubilee of the General Association of Colored Baptists in Kentucky : The Story of 50 Years' Work from 1865 - 1915. Including many photos and sketches, compiled from unpublished manuscripts and other sources ...
47 items
Die Perle; Musterblätter für Juweliere u. Goldarbeiter
Die Perle; Musterblätter für Juweliere u. Goldarbeiter
47 items
Isadora Duncan in various dance poses
Isadora Duncan in various dance poses
47 items
Ruth Mitchell papers
Ruth Mitchell papers
47 items
Results 841 - 880 | Top
The March of Time collection: radio broadcasts, 1935-1943 (incomplete)
The March of Time collection: radio broadcasts, 1935-1943 (incomplete)
47 items
Midtown; Lower Manhattan; On the Bowery
Midtown; Lower Manhattan; On the Bowery
46 items
Nezumi no soshi emaki
Nezumi no soshi emaki
46 items
Century Flashlight Photographers circus photographs, 1928-1936
Century Flashlight Photographers circus photographs, 1928-1936
46 items
Collections & souvenirs de Malmaison : appartements, meubles et décoration
Collections & souvenirs de Malmaison : appartements, meubles et décoration
46 items
The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage
The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage
46 items
Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James
Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James
46 items
Nishikizuri onna sanjûrokkasen
Nishikizuri onna sanjûrokkasen
46 items
Kokushi daijiten
Kokushi daijiten
46 items
Automatic world
Automatic world
46 items
Spode & his successors : a history of the pottery : Stoke-on-Trent 1765-1865
Spode & his successors : a history of the pottery : Stoke-on-Trent 1765-1865
46 items
John Bigelow papers
John Bigelow papers
46 items
Modern furniture: consisting of forty-four coloured engravings
Modern furniture: consisting of forty-four coloured engravings
45 items
Anna Pavlova programs, 1915-1923.
Anna Pavlova programs, 1915-1923.
45 items
Dictionary catalog of the music collection
Dictionary catalog of the music collection
45 items
Frank J. Sprague papers
Frank J. Sprague papers
45 items
Henry Cowell papers
Henry Cowell papers
45 items
Photographs of Madison Square Garden
Photographs of Madison Square Garden
45 items
André Eglevsky Video Archive
André Eglevsky Video Archive
45 items
Ḳuṣejr ʻAmra ... Mit einer Karte von Arabia Petraea
Ḳuṣejr ʻAmra ... Mit einer Karte von Arabia Petraea
45 items
Progress of a race: or, The remarkable advancement of the American Negro from the bondage of slavery, ignorance and poverty to the freedom of citizenship, intelligence, affluence, honor and trust
Progress of a race: or, The remarkable advancement of the American Negro from the bondage of slavery, ignorance and poverty to the freedom of citizenship, intelligence, affluence, honor and trust
45 items
Turkestanskaia vystavka 1890 g.
Turkestanskaia vystavka 1890 g.
45 items
Turris Babel, sive Archontologia qua primo priscorum post diluvium hominum vita, mores rerumque gestarum magnitudo, secundo Turris fabrica civitatumque extructio, confusio linguarum ...
Turris Babel, sive Archontologia qua primo priscorum post diluvium hominum vita, mores rerumque gestarum magnitudo, secundo Turris fabrica civitatumque extructio, confusio linguarum ...
45 items
Christian reconstruction in the South
Christian reconstruction in the South
45 items
The Crusader
The Crusader
45 items
Mekka, mit bilder-atlas
Mekka, mit bilder-atlas
44 items
Seder Hagadah shel Pesah
Seder Hagadah shel Pesah
44 items
The fishes of North America that are captured on hook and line. With eighty colored plates made from oil portraits of living fishes before their color tints had faded. By William C. Harris ... Volume I.
The fishes of North America that are captured on hook and line. With eighty colored plates made from oil portraits of living fishes before their color tints had faded. By William C. Harris ... Volume I.
44 items
Uncle Tom's Cabin: A tale of life among the lowly
Uncle Tom's Cabin: A tale of life among the lowly
44 items
Victor Jessen Video Archive
Victor Jessen Video Archive
44 items
Patrick Kelly photograph collection
Patrick Kelly photograph collection
44 items
Senta Driver Video Archive
Senta Driver Video Archive
44 items
Scrapbooks of architecture
Scrapbooks of architecture
44 items
Janet Mansfield Soares Video Archive
Janet Mansfield Soares Video Archive
44 items
Vegetable materia medica of the United States; or, Medical botany: containing a botanical, general, and medical history of medicinal plants indigenous to the United States. Illustrated by coloured engravings ... done by the author.
Vegetable materia medica of the United States; or, Medical botany: containing a botanical, general, and medical history of medicinal plants indigenous to the United States. Illustrated by coloured engravings ... done by the author.
44 items
44 items
Half a century of Lutheranism among our colored people
Half a century of Lutheranism among our colored people
43 items
Le vitrail à l'Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs, Paris, 1925
Le vitrail à l'Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs, Paris, 1925
43 items
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts lecture/concert series
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts lecture/concert series
43 items
Vidy i prilozhen⁾i︠i︡a k ocherkam Ross⁾ii
Vidy i prilozhen⁾i︠i︡a k ocherkam Ross⁾ii
43 items
Results 881 - 920 | Top
Collection of photographs of Egypt and Nubia
Collection of photographs of Egypt and Nubia
43 items
Umbstandliche und eigentliche Beschreibung von Africa
Umbstandliche und eigentliche Beschreibung von Africa
43 items
Robert A. Wilson slides
Robert A. Wilson slides
43 items
Plates illustrative of the researches and operations of G. Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia.
Plates illustrative of the researches and operations of G. Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia.
43 items
The Orchidaceæ of Mexico & Guatemala
The Orchidaceæ of Mexico & Guatemala
43 items
Moskovskii publichnyi i Rumiantsovskii muzei
Moskovskii publichnyi i Rumiantsovskii muzei
43 items
Album of photographs of Japan
Album of photographs of Japan
43 items
Album of illustrations of imperial & royal state carriages together with other carriages of deceased statesmen; and the funeral cars of Wellington and Nelson also the four original locomotive engines used on railways in England.
Album of illustrations of imperial & royal state carriages together with other carriages of deceased statesmen; and the funeral cars of Wellington and Nelson also the four original locomotive engines used on railways in England.
43 items
Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano.
Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano.
43 items
The slave's friend, no. 8
The slave's friend, no. 8
43 items
Wilberforce University annual
Wilberforce University annual
43 items
Natan A'ltman
Natan A'ltman
42 items
The cabinet and chair-maker's real friend & companion; or, The whole system of chair-making made plain and easy, by Robert Manwaring; with the plates engraved by Robert Pranker. Reprinted 1937.
The cabinet and chair-maker's real friend & companion; or, The whole system of chair-making made plain and easy, by Robert Manwaring; with the plates engraved by Robert Pranker. Reprinted 1937.
42 items
Funny folks
Funny folks
42 items
Motivy ukrainskago ornamenta
Motivy ukrainskago ornamenta
42 items
Richard Rodgers papers
Richard Rodgers papers
42 items
Robert Graves collection of papers
Robert Graves collection of papers
42 items
Jérusalem : étude et reproduction photographique des monuments de la Ville Sainte, depuis l'époque judaïque jusqu'à nos jours.
Jérusalem : étude et reproduction photographique des monuments de la Ville Sainte, depuis l'époque judaïque jusqu'à nos jours.
42 items
Petergof: fotografīi
Petergof: fotografīi
42 items
New York Subways
New York Subways
42 items
General Audio Collection
General Audio Collection
42 items
Works on paper collection
Works on paper collection
42 items
Rudolf Nureyev Video Archive
Rudolf Nureyev Video Archive
42 items
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson collection of papers
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson collection of papers
42 items
Shadow and light: an autobiography with reminiscences of the last and present century
Shadow and light: an autobiography with reminiscences of the last and present century
42 items
The Negro American family
The Negro American family
42 items
Designs for ornamental plate, many of which have been executed in silver, from original drawings
Designs for ornamental plate, many of which have been executed in silver, from original drawings
42 items
An illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman costume: in forty outlines with descriptions
An illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman costume: in forty outlines with descriptions
42 items
The costume of Yorkshire, illustrated by a series of forty engravings, being fac-similes of original drawings
The costume of Yorkshire, illustrated by a series of forty engravings, being fac-similes of original drawings
42 items
The colored American from slavery to honorable citizenship
The colored American from slavery to honorable citizenship
42 items
Prismes : 40 planches de dessins et coloris nouveaux
Prismes : 40 planches de dessins et coloris nouveaux
42 items
John Yang: Indian Ladder Trail
John Yang: Indian Ladder Trail
42 items
Albom monogramm dlia mietki biel'ia, gravirovaniia, riezby, shtampovaniia, vypilivaniia, otlivki, chekanki i proch
Albom monogramm dlia mietki biel'ia, gravirovaniia, riezby, shtampovaniia, vypilivaniia, otlivki, chekanki i proch
42 items
Della trasportatione dell'obelisco vaticano et delle fabriche di Nostro Signore papa Sisto v fatte dal cavallier Domenico Fontana: Libro primo, intagliato da Natal Bonifatio da Sibenicco
Della trasportatione dell'obelisco vaticano et delle fabriche di Nostro Signore papa Sisto v fatte dal cavallier Domenico Fontana: Libro primo, intagliato da Natal Bonifatio da Sibenicco
42 items
Description de l'Afrique, contenant les noms, la situation & les confins de toutes ses parties, leurs rivières, leurs villes & leurs habitations, leurs plantes & leurs animaux; les mœurs, les coûtumes, la langue, les richesses, la religion & le gouvern...
Description de l'Afrique, contenant les noms, la situation & les confins de toutes ses parties, leurs rivières, leurs villes & leurs habitations, leurs plantes & leurs animaux; les mœurs, les coûtumes, la langue, les richesses, la religion & le gouvern...
42 items
Décoration Égyptienne. Plafonds et Frises Végétales du Nouvel Empire Thébain....
Décoration Égyptienne. Plafonds et Frises Végétales du Nouvel Empire Thébain....
42 items
Histoire naturelle des poissons
Histoire naturelle des poissons
42 items
Sur le Niger et au pays des Touaregs: La mission Hourst
Sur le Niger et au pays des Touaregs: La mission Hourst
42 items
Negro poets and their poems
Negro poets and their poems
41 items
Views in Japan and India
Views in Japan and India
41 items
Results 921 - 960 | Top
Vidy Valaamskago monastyria
Vidy Valaamskago monastyria
41 items
Sketches, in lithography, containing forty original subjects, designed and drawn by E. Purcell
Sketches, in lithography, containing forty original subjects, designed and drawn by E. Purcell
41 items
Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon, in der Libyschen Wüste, und nach Ober-Aegypten in den Jahren 1820 und 1821/ von Heinrich Freiherrn von Minutoli ... ; nach den Tagebüchern sr. Excellenz hrsg. und mit Beilagen begleitet von E. H. Toelken ... ; mit ei...
Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon, in der Libyschen Wüste, und nach Ober-Aegypten in den Jahren 1820 und 1821/ von Heinrich Freiherrn von Minutoli ... ; nach den Tagebüchern sr. Excellenz hrsg. und mit Beilagen begleitet von E. H. Toelken ... ; mit ei...
41 items
General program of the sessions and anniversaries of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, held in St. Paul A.M.E. Church and the Auditorim, Columbus, Ohio, beginning May 7, 1900.
General program of the sessions and anniversaries of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, held in St. Paul A.M.E. Church and the Auditorim, Columbus, Ohio, beginning May 7, 1900.
41 items
La France au Dahomey
La France au Dahomey
41 items
Eaux-fortes originales, pointes seches, essais de procedes, etc.
Eaux-fortes originales, pointes seches, essais de procedes, etc.
41 items
Designs on various ornaments.
Designs on various ornaments.
41 items
Compendiosa totius anatomie delineatio, ære exarata
Compendiosa totius anatomie delineatio, ære exarata
41 items
Broderies russes, tartares, armeniennes.
Broderies russes, tartares, armeniennes.
41 items
Bertram Ross Video Archive
Bertram Ross Video Archive
41 items
The Trefoil
The Trefoil
41 items
Leigh Hunt manuscript material
Leigh Hunt manuscript material
41 items
Lands of the Caribbean: the Canal Zone, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands
Lands of the Caribbean: the Canal Zone, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands
41 items
John Quinn papers
John Quinn papers
41 items
August Belmont papers
August Belmont papers
41 items
Vidy Sv︠i︡ato-Troi︠t︡skoĭ Sergīevoĭ Lavry i e︠i︡a okrestnosteĭ
Vidy Sv︠i︡ato-Troi︠t︡skoĭ Sergīevoĭ Lavry i e︠i︡a okrestnosteĭ
41 items
Early Years Collection
Early Years Collection
41 items
Qur'ân, fragment: Sûrat al-Nabâ'
Qur'ân, fragment: Sûrat al-Nabâ'
41 items
Tsarskoselskii arsenal ili sobranie oruzhiia prinadlezhashchago ego velichestvu ... Arsenal de Tsarskoe-Selo, ou Collection d'armes de Sa Majeste L'Empereur de toutes les Russies
Tsarskoselskii arsenal ili sobranie oruzhiia prinadlezhashchago ego velichestvu ... Arsenal de Tsarskoe-Selo, ou Collection d'armes de Sa Majeste L'Empereur de toutes les Russies
41 items
Dokumentum : művészeti és társadalmi beszámoló
Dokumentum : művészeti és társadalmi beszámoló
40 items
Miscellaneous Afro-Latin America Collection
Miscellaneous Afro-Latin America Collection
40 items
Joseph Hawley papers
Joseph Hawley papers
40 items
Alexander Hamilton papers
Alexander Hamilton papers
40 items
Interviews for the book "They're playing our song"
Interviews for the book "They're playing our song"
40 items
Alʹbom risunkov k puteshestv⁾i︠i︡u na Amur, sovershennomu ot Sibirskago otd︠i︡ela Imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago obshchestva
Alʹbom risunkov k puteshestv⁾i︠i︡u na Amur, sovershennomu ot Sibirskago otd︠i︡ela Imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago obshchestva
40 items
Maps of North and South America
Maps of North and South America
40 items
Chinese water color paintings
Chinese water color paintings
40 items
Arthur Bell Collection of Recorded Interviews, 1970-1980
Arthur Bell Collection of Recorded Interviews, 1970-1980
40 items
Working with the hands: being a sequel to "Up from slavery" covering the author's experiences in industrial training at Tuskegee
Working with the hands: being a sequel to "Up from slavery" covering the author's experiences in industrial training at Tuskegee
40 items
Sinai and Palestine.
Sinai and Palestine.
40 items
Rossiiskii Tsarstvennyi Dom Romanovykh
Rossiiskii Tsarstvennyi Dom Romanovykh
40 items
Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824. Vol I & II.
Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824. Vol I & II.
40 items
The book of old sundials & their mottoes, with eight illustrations in colour by Alfred Rawlings and thirty-six drawings of some famous sundials by Warrington Hogg.
The book of old sundials & their mottoes, with eight illustrations in colour by Alfred Rawlings and thirty-six drawings of some famous sundials by Warrington Hogg.
40 items
Engravings of lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, dogs, &c., chiefly after the designs of Sir Edwin Landseer, by his brother, Thomas Landseer. Printed from the original plates, pub. between 1823 and 1828
Engravings of lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, dogs, &c., chiefly after the designs of Sir Edwin Landseer, by his brother, Thomas Landseer. Printed from the original plates, pub. between 1823 and 1828
40 items
Verscheyden schrynwerck als portalen, kleerkassen, buffetten, ledikanten, tafels, kisten, stoelen, bancken, schabellen, hantdoex-rollen, glasborden en veel andre soorten van wercken.
Verscheyden schrynwerck als portalen, kleerkassen, buffetten, ledikanten, tafels, kisten, stoelen, bancken, schabellen, hantdoex-rollen, glasborden en veel andre soorten van wercken.
40 items
Arthur Alfonso Schomburg papers (additions)
Arthur Alfonso Schomburg papers (additions)
39 items
Isaac Rosenberg collection of papers
Isaac Rosenberg collection of papers
39 items
Ken Dewey Collection
Ken Dewey Collection
39 items
The encyclopedia of the colored Baptists of Alabama their leaders and their work.
The encyclopedia of the colored Baptists of Alabama their leaders and their work.
39 items
Brooke Hayward papers
Brooke Hayward papers
39 items
Results 961 - 1,000 | Top
Steuben Glass Collection
Steuben Glass Collection
39 items
Posters from the New York Sunday Herald, 1895-1896
Posters from the New York Sunday Herald, 1895-1896
39 items
Jesse Alexander photograph collection
Jesse Alexander photograph collection
39 items
Harper's weekly; a journal of civilization
Harper's weekly; a journal of civilization
39 items
Britain across the seas: Africa; a history and description of the British Empire in Africa
Britain across the seas: Africa; a history and description of the British Empire in Africa
39 items
Lower Egypt, Thebes and the Pyramids.
Lower Egypt, Thebes and the Pyramids.
39 items
Sénégambie et Guinée, par m. Amédée Tardieu ... Nubie, par m. S. Chérubini ... Abyssinie, par m. Noël Desvergers ...
Sénégambie et Guinée, par m. Amédée Tardieu ... Nubie, par m. S. Chérubini ... Abyssinie, par m. Noël Desvergers ...
39 items
Upper Egypt and Ethiopia.
Upper Egypt and Ethiopia.
39 items
Vues D'Afrique
Vues D'Afrique
39 items
The thirty-seven nats, a phase of spirit-worship prevailing in Burma, by Sir R. C. Temple. With full-page and other illustrations
The thirty-seven nats, a phase of spirit-worship prevailing in Burma, by Sir R. C. Temple. With full-page and other illustrations
38 items
Prebyvanie ikh Imperatorskikh Velichestv v Brest-Litovske, v Vysoko-Litovske i Spale
Prebyvanie ikh Imperatorskikh Velichestv v Brest-Litovske, v Vysoko-Litovske i Spale
38 items
Zakaspīĭskaia voennaia zhelieznaia doroga
Zakaspīĭskaia voennaia zhelieznaia doroga
38 items
Souvenirs de Saint-Petersbourg, collection de lithographies representant des sujets nationaux, des equipages de ville et devoyages, dessines par divers artistes
Souvenirs de Saint-Petersbourg, collection de lithographies representant des sujets nationaux, des equipages de ville et devoyages, dessines par divers artistes
38 items
Sbornik starinno-russkikh, slavianskikh bukv, zastavits i kaemok dlia knigopechatnoi i perepletnago, gravirovalnago i vyshivnago diel
Sbornik starinno-russkikh, slavianskikh bukv, zastavits i kaemok dlia knigopechatnoi i perepletnago, gravirovalnago i vyshivnago diel
38 items
Plantae rariores : quas maximam partem ipse in horto domestico colvit secundum notas suas examinavit et breviter explicavit necnon depingendas aerique incidendas curavit
Plantae rariores : quas maximam partem ipse in horto domestico colvit secundum notas suas examinavit et breviter explicavit necnon depingendas aerique incidendas curavit
38 items
Narodnye kartinki, preimushchestvenno istoricheskogo i religioznovo soderzhaniia
Narodnye kartinki, preimushchestvenno istoricheskogo i religioznovo soderzhaniia
38 items
Egypt : a collection of photographs taken at Cairo, Karnak, Luxor, Philae and other places
Egypt : a collection of photographs taken at Cairo, Karnak, Luxor, Philae and other places
38 items
Cuba and Porto Rico : with the other islands of the West Indies : their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, people, political conditions, etc.
Cuba and Porto Rico : with the other islands of the West Indies : their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, people, political conditions, etc.
38 items
Giacomo Puccini correspondence to Arturo Toscanini, 1894-1924
Giacomo Puccini correspondence to Arturo Toscanini, 1894-1924
38 items
Dostoviernye portrety moskovskikh gosudarei Ivana III, Vasiliia Ivanovna i Ivana IV ...
Dostoviernye portrety moskovskikh gosudarei Ivana III, Vasiliia Ivanovna i Ivana IV ...
38 items
José Limón and Pauline Lawrence Limón photograph files
José Limón and Pauline Lawrence Limón photograph files
38 items
Moderne Tonkunst
Moderne Tonkunst
38 items
Robert F. Byrnes collection of automat memorabilia
Robert F. Byrnes collection of automat memorabilia
38 items
Cabinet card collection
Cabinet card collection
38 items
Africa, containing a description of the manners and customs, with some historical particulars of the Moors of the Zahara, and of the Negro nations between the rivers Senegal and Gambia
Africa, containing a description of the manners and customs, with some historical particulars of the Moors of the Zahara, and of the Negro nations between the rivers Senegal and Gambia
37 items
Afro-American church work and workers
Afro-American church work and workers
37 items
Album of photographs of Pakistan, Egypt, and European locations
Album of photographs of Pakistan, Egypt, and European locations
37 items
Madame Butterfly
Madame Butterfly
37 items
Documents de style empire: le luminaire, recuell de documents publié par E. Hessling.
Documents de style empire: le luminaire, recuell de documents publié par E. Hessling.
37 items
The Toscanini Legacy papers
The Toscanini Legacy papers
37 items
El Museo pictorico y escala optica
El Museo pictorico y escala optica
37 items
Bungalow magazine
Bungalow magazine
37 items
Scraps of African Methodist Episcopal history
Scraps of African Methodist Episcopal history
37 items
The college of life : or, Practical self-educator, a manual of self-improvement for the colored race forming an educational emancipator and a guide to success. Giving examples and achievements of successful men and women of the race as an incentive and...
The college of life : or, Practical self-educator, a manual of self-improvement for the colored race forming an educational emancipator and a guide to success. Giving examples and achievements of successful men and women of the race as an incentive and...
37 items
Who's who in Philadelphia: a collection of thirty biographical sketches of Philadelphia colored people ... together with cuts and information of some of their leading institutions and organizations
Who's who in Philadelphia: a collection of thirty biographical sketches of Philadelphia colored people ... together with cuts and information of some of their leading institutions and organizations
37 items
Town and country house painting : thirty-five colored illustrations showing the effect of various combinations of colors on houses, cottages and villas of different designs of architecture together with hints on painting and other useful information.
Town and country house painting : thirty-five colored illustrations showing the effect of various combinations of colors on houses, cottages and villas of different designs of architecture together with hints on painting and other useful information.
37 items
Torgovye riady na Krasnoi ploshchadi v Moskvie.
Torgovye riady na Krasnoi ploshchadi v Moskvie.
37 items
Le Sérapéum de Memphis,
Le Sérapéum de Memphis,
37 items
Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles
Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles
37 items
Panorama d'Egypte et de Nubie.
Panorama d'Egypte et de Nubie.
37 items