All Collections

New voyages to North-America. Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent ...
New voyages to North-America. Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent ...
1 item
Self-portraits by Blythe Bohnen
Self-portraits by Blythe Bohnen
1 item
The penny magazine of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge
The penny magazine of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge
1 item
L'eloge de la folie
L'eloge de la folie
1 item
The Bellman
The Bellman
1 item
The new pictorial and illustrated family magazine
The new pictorial and illustrated family magazine
1 item
Railway age
Railway age
1 item
The pure oil news
The pure oil news
1 item
The ports, harbours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain ... views ... by W.H. Bartlett ... descriptions by W. Beattie
The ports, harbours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain ... views ... by W.H. Bartlett ... descriptions by W. Beattie
1 item
Illustrations for works by Washington Irving
Illustrations for works by Washington Irving
1 item
The Dial
The Dial
1 item
Art front
Art front
1 item
El devoto de la Santissima Trinidad: instruido en muchos motivos eficaces para amarla, y en especiales obsequios para servirla. Dedicalo a la sacrosanta trinidad criada Jesus, Maria, y Joseph
El devoto de la Santissima Trinidad: instruido en muchos motivos eficaces para amarla, y en especiales obsequios para servirla. Dedicalo a la sacrosanta trinidad criada Jesus, Maria, y Joseph
1 item
Garnett, David. Letters to Mina Stein Kirstein Curtiss, 1923-1980
Garnett, David. Letters to Mina Stein Kirstein Curtiss, 1923-1980
1 item
Lumen picturae et delineationis divisum in sex partes
Lumen picturae et delineationis divisum in sex partes
1 item
Sponsor: for buyers of broadcast advertising
Sponsor: for buyers of broadcast advertising
1 item
The Pacific miner
The Pacific miner
1 item
The Censored Review
The Censored Review
1 item
Willard Gibbs
Willard Gibbs
1 item
Photographs of Russian dancers
Photographs of Russian dancers
1 item
1 item
The rights and duties of masters.
The rights and duties of masters.
1 item
The raven, and other poems
The raven, and other poems
1 item
1 item
Motor west
Motor west
1 item
Report on the Tanzim Department
Report on the Tanzim Department
1 item
The Almanack of the month.
The Almanack of the month.
1 item
The doome warning all men to the Iudgemente: wherein are contayned for the most parte all the straunge prodigies hapned in the worlde, with diuers secrete figures of reuelations tending to mannes stayed conuersion towardes God : in maner of a generall ...
The doome warning all men to the Iudgemente: wherein are contayned for the most parte all the straunge prodigies hapned in the worlde, with diuers secrete figures of reuelations tending to mannes stayed conuersion towardes God : in maner of a generall ...
1 item
The Convention Manual of procedure, forms and rules for the regulation of business in the seventh New York State Constitutional Convention, 1915
The Convention Manual of procedure, forms and rules for the regulation of business in the seventh New York State Constitutional Convention, 1915
1 item
Magazine of art
Magazine of art
1 item
The Gift and art buyer
The Gift and art buyer
1 item
Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Ameriques; résumé général de tous les voyages de Colomb, Las-Casas, Oviedo ... Humboldt ... Franklin ... etc., par les rédacteurs du Voyage pittoresque autour du monde; publié sous la direction de M. Alcide d'Orbigny .....
Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Ameriques; résumé général de tous les voyages de Colomb, Las-Casas, Oviedo ... Humboldt ... Franklin ... etc., par les rédacteurs du Voyage pittoresque autour du monde; publié sous la direction de M. Alcide d'Orbigny .....
1 item
Collection of engravings after Richard Cosway
Collection of engravings after Richard Cosway
1 item
Osservazioni di Gio. Battista Piranesi sopra la Lettre de M. Mariette aux auteurs de la Gazette littéraire de l'Europe, inserita nel supplemento, dell'istessa Gazzetta stampata dimanche 4. novembre, MDCCLIV. E parere su l'architettura, con una prefazio...
Osservazioni di Gio. Battista Piranesi sopra la Lettre de M. Mariette aux auteurs de la Gazette littéraire de l'Europe, inserita nel supplemento, dell'istessa Gazzetta stampata dimanche 4. novembre, MDCCLIV. E parere su l'architettura, con una prefazio...
1 item
Tableaux du temple des muses : tirez du cabinet de feu Mr. Faverau, conseiller du roy en sa cour des Aydes & grauez en tailles-douces par les meilleurs maistr s de son temps pour representer les vertus & les vices sur les plus illustres fables de l'ant...
Tableaux du temple des muses : tirez du cabinet de feu Mr. Faverau, conseiller du roy en sa cour des Aydes & grauez en tailles-douces par les meilleurs maistr s de son temps pour representer les vertus & les vices sur les plus illustres fables de l'ant...
1 item
The New York red book
The New York red book
1 item
The United service
The United service
1 item
The Newtonian system of philosophy,
The Newtonian system of philosophy,
1 item
George Bancroft collection
George Bancroft collection
1 item
Angna Enters papers
Angna Enters papers
1 item
Results 7,841 - 7,880 | Top
Notes on Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
Notes on Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
1 item
American anthropologist
American anthropologist
1 item
Jan Georg van Vliet: prints
Jan Georg van Vliet: prints
1 item
Reliques of my contemporaries
Reliques of my contemporaries
1 item
Arnold Auerbach papers
Arnold Auerbach papers
1 item
Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica: Auctore Issaco Newtono, equite aurato
Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica: Auctore Issaco Newtono, equite aurato
1 item
The Pullman news
The Pullman news
1 item
The African repository
The African repository
1 item
The Most Excellent And Lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. As it hath been sundry times publikely Acted by the Kings Majesties Servants at the Globe. Written by W. Shake-speare. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended
The Most Excellent And Lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. As it hath been sundry times publikely Acted by the Kings Majesties Servants at the Globe. Written by W. Shake-speare. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended
1 item
1 item
The Richmond County mirror
The Richmond County mirror
1 item
Confectioners journal
Confectioners journal
1 item
Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanisme, avec une série d'expériences faites en présence des commissaires de l'Institut National de France, et en divers amphithéâtres anatomiques de Londres par Jean Aldini
Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanisme, avec une série d'expériences faites en présence des commissaires de l'Institut National de France, et en divers amphithéâtres anatomiques de Londres par Jean Aldini
1 item
The American silk journal
The American silk journal
1 item
The Standard.
The Standard.
1 item
Paul Muni papers
Paul Muni papers
1 item
Letters by William Blake
Letters by William Blake
1 item
Serrell-Opdycke-Patrick papers
Serrell-Opdycke-Patrick papers
1 item
American superiority at the World's fair
American superiority at the World's fair
1 item
Modern practice of the electric telegraph: a handbook for electricians and operators
Modern practice of the electric telegraph: a handbook for electricians and operators
1 item
1 item
Robert Adam & his brothers; their lives, work & influence on English architecture, decoration and furniture, by John Swarbrick ...
Robert Adam & his brothers; their lives, work & influence on English architecture, decoration and furniture, by John Swarbrick ...
1 item
The Leisure hour
The Leisure hour
1 item
The watch & clockmakers' handbook
The watch & clockmakers' handbook
1 item
Adventures and letters of Richard Harding Davis
Adventures and letters of Richard Harding Davis
1 item
Trois valses brillantes: pour le piano, op. 34, no. 1 [-3]
Trois valses brillantes: pour le piano, op. 34, no. 1 [-3]
1 item
Walter Damrosch scrapbooks and clippings
Walter Damrosch scrapbooks and clippings
1 item
The hotel tattler
The hotel tattler
1 item
The universal penman
The universal penman
1 item
Anna Pavlova Company tour, South America
Anna Pavlova Company tour, South America
1 item
Authentic and impartial narrative of the tragical scene which was witnessed in Southampton County (Virginia) on Monday the 22d of August last, when fifty-five of its inhabitants (mostly women and children) were inhumanly massacred by the blacks!
Authentic and impartial narrative of the tragical scene which was witnessed in Southampton County (Virginia) on Monday the 22d of August last, when fifty-five of its inhabitants (mostly women and children) were inhumanly massacred by the blacks!
1 item
Emma Goldman papers
Emma Goldman papers
1 item
P. Jay Sidney collection
P. Jay Sidney collection
1 item
The Southhampton Insurrection
The Southhampton Insurrection
1 item
Census Maps
Census Maps
1 item
A cyclopaedia of Biblical literature
A cyclopaedia of Biblical literature
1 item
The temple of nature; or, The origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes
The temple of nature; or, The origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes
1 item
Fausto: ballo fantastico del coreografo A. Cortesi. Rappresentato nell S. e R. Teatro della Pergola
Fausto: ballo fantastico del coreografo A. Cortesi. Rappresentato nell S. e R. Teatro della Pergola
1 item
Le streghe
Le streghe
1 item
Leah, the forsaken: Costume monologue, pantomime or tableaux for a woman
Leah, the forsaken: Costume monologue, pantomime or tableaux for a woman
1 item
Results 7,881 - 7,920 | Top
1 item
John Robert Gregg collection
John Robert Gregg collection
1 item
Maloney collection of Irish historical papers
Maloney collection of Irish historical papers
1 item
CARE records
CARE records
1 item
Andrew Carnegie letters
Andrew Carnegie letters
1 item
Adriaen van Ostade: prints
Adriaen van Ostade: prints
1 item
Oliver Wolcott letterbook
Oliver Wolcott letterbook
1 item
Robert Patrick papers
Robert Patrick papers
1 item
New York Masjid: The Mosques of New York City
New York Masjid: The Mosques of New York City
1 item
Abolition of the African slave-trade, by the British Parliament. Abridged from Clarkson. Together with a brief view of the present state of the slave-trade and of slavery
Abolition of the African slave-trade, by the British Parliament. Abridged from Clarkson. Together with a brief view of the present state of the slave-trade and of slavery
1 item
The wife of his youth and other stories of the color line
The wife of his youth and other stories of the color line
1 item
Circle Repertory Company records
Circle Repertory Company records
1 item
1 item
An essay on the causes of the revolution and civil wars of Hayti
An essay on the causes of the revolution and civil wars of Hayti
1 item
1 item
1 item
1 item
America (Or, Large Voyages)
America (Or, Large Voyages)
1 item
Catalogue of ... works of art: comprising the ... paintings, statuary, bronzes and art library of W.H. Webb ... To be sold at auction ... March 29th and 20, 1876
Catalogue of ... works of art: comprising the ... paintings, statuary, bronzes and art library of W.H. Webb ... To be sold at auction ... March 29th and 20, 1876
1 item
Endless entertainment: or, comic, terrific, and legendary tales
Endless entertainment: or, comic, terrific, and legendary tales
1 item
Historia della cose svccesse dal principio della guerra mossa da Selim Ottomano a' Venetiani: fino al di della gran giornata vittoriosa contra Turchi
Historia della cose svccesse dal principio della guerra mossa da Selim Ottomano a' Venetiani: fino al di della gran giornata vittoriosa contra Turchi
1 item
Historical, poetical and pictorial American scenes : principally moral and religious : being a selection of interesting incidents in American history to which is added a historical sketch of each of the United States
Historical, poetical and pictorial American scenes : principally moral and religious : being a selection of interesting incidents in American history to which is added a historical sketch of each of the United States
1 item
Imagini delli dei de gl'antichi
Imagini delli dei de gl'antichi
1 item
Inscriptions on tombstones and monuments in the burying grounds of the First Presbyterian church and St. Johns church at Elizabeth, New Jersey: 1664-1892
Inscriptions on tombstones and monuments in the burying grounds of the First Presbyterian church and St. Johns church at Elizabeth, New Jersey: 1664-1892
1 item
La Biblioteca americana, o miscelánea de literatura, artes i ciencias
La Biblioteca americana, o miscelánea de literatura, artes i ciencias
1 item
1 item
Stephen Crane collection of papers
Stephen Crane collection of papers
1 item
Temple of Heaven
Temple of Heaven
1 item
The Holy Bible
The Holy Bible
1 item
The Roeblings; a century of engineers, bridge-builders and industrialists
The Roeblings; a century of engineers, bridge-builders and industrialists
1 item
The public entry of the Queen into Jerusalem
The public entry of the Queen into Jerusalem
1 item
Woman in the nineteenth century
Woman in the nineteenth century
1 item
La fin du cheval
La fin du cheval
1 item
A Raisin in the sun theater stills collection
A Raisin in the sun theater stills collection
1 item
Annual report of the City History Club of New York
Annual report of the City History Club of New York
1 item
1 item
Peter Williams Portrait Collection
Peter Williams Portrait Collection
1 item
Political sketches &c
Political sketches &c
1 item
A catalogue of British historical medals, 1760-1960
A catalogue of British historical medals, 1760-1960
1 item
A day with Bum ; and, The smart little fish
A day with Bum ; and, The smart little fish
1 item
Results 7,921 - 7,960 | Top
Billy Rose papers
Billy Rose papers
1 item
Di Idishe muziḳalishe ṿelṭ un ṭeaṭer zshurnal
Di Idishe muziḳalishe ṿelṭ un ṭeaṭer zshurnal
1 item
Photographs of the marriage of Vittorio Emmanuele, Prince of Naples to Princess Helena of Montenegro [on the] 24th of October, 1896
Photographs of the marriage of Vittorio Emmanuele, Prince of Naples to Princess Helena of Montenegro [on the] 24th of October, 1896
1 item
The Philippines and the Far East
The Philippines and the Far East
1 item
Prints by Margaret Jordan Patterson
Prints by Margaret Jordan Patterson
1 item
A. J. Antoon papers
A. J. Antoon papers
1 item
Album of découpages of costume plates and animal illustrations
Album of découpages of costume plates and animal illustrations
1 item
Amours & aventures de Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
Amours & aventures de Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
1 item
Ceremonial appearances of the doge of Venice: a series of engravings
Ceremonial appearances of the doge of Venice: a series of engravings
1 item
De Gli Habiti Antichi
De Gli Habiti Antichi
1 item
Gli amori d'Apollo
Gli amori d'Apollo
1 item
Habiti antichi
Habiti antichi
1 item
Habiti delle donne venetiane intagliate [sic] in rame nuouamente
Habiti delle donne venetiane intagliate [sic] in rame nuouamente
1 item
I nvmi a diporto sv l'Adriatico
I nvmi a diporto sv l'Adriatico
1 item
Musaeum Italicum Novum
Musaeum Italicum Novum
1 item
Real Estate Catalogs
Real Estate Catalogs
1 item
Secreti nobilissimi dell'arte profvmatoria
Secreti nobilissimi dell'arte profvmatoria
1 item
Varie Acconciatvre Di Teste usate da nobilissime Dame in diuerse Cittadi d'Italia
Varie Acconciatvre Di Teste usate da nobilissime Dame in diuerse Cittadi d'Italia
1 item
Vendetta d'amore
Vendetta d'amore
1 item
1 item
The secrets of the great city
The secrets of the great city
1 item
Alt orientalische Teppichmuster
Alt orientalische Teppichmuster
1 item
Les deux nigauds
Les deux nigauds
1 item
Les plus excellents bastiments de France
Les plus excellents bastiments de France
1 item
An account of the history, manners, and customs, of the Indian nations
An account of the history, manners, and customs, of the Indian nations
1 item
American funeral director
American funeral director
1 item
Touching second
Touching second
1 item
In Arcadia
In Arcadia
1 item
Frank Wilstach papers on Sothern and Marlowe
Frank Wilstach papers on Sothern and Marlowe
1 item
The sunflower
The sunflower
1 item
Arcularius and Merrell record and account book
Arcularius and Merrell record and account book
1 item
Alice's adventures in Wonderland
Alice's adventures in Wonderland
1 item
Tales of terror
Tales of terror
1 item
The North American Indian
The North American Indian
1 item
1 item
Uchenīe i khitrostʹ ratnago stroenīĕ pekhotnykhʺ l︠i︡udeĭ.
Uchenīe i khitrostʹ ratnago stroenīĕ pekhotnykhʺ l︠i︡udeĭ.
1 item
Tales of the dead
Tales of the dead
1 item
The modern Minerva, or, The bat's seminary for young ladies
The modern Minerva, or, The bat's seminary for young ladies
1 item
English caricatures and cartoons depicting smoking and other subjects
English caricatures and cartoons depicting smoking and other subjects
1 item
Fantasmagoriana, ou, Recueil d'histoires d'apparitions de spectres, revenans, fantômes, etc.
Fantasmagoriana, ou, Recueil d'histoires d'apparitions de spectres, revenans, fantômes, etc.
1 item
Results 7,961 - 8,000 | Top
1 item
1 item
The fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
The fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
1 item
The last man
The last man
1 item
New York State Comptroller's Office canal records
New York State Comptroller's Office canal records
1 item
Wolfstein; or, The mysterious bandit
Wolfstein; or, The mysterious bandit
1 item
Boys' weekly reader novelette
Boys' weekly reader novelette
1 item
Yûsuf va Zulaykhâ
Yûsuf va Zulaykhâ
1 item
Henry Harrisse papers
Henry Harrisse papers
1 item
Janet Collins scrapbooks: clippings, programs, photographs, and memorabilia
Janet Collins scrapbooks: clippings, programs, photographs, and memorabilia
1 item
Deena Burton Video Archive
Deena Burton Video Archive
1 item
Outlaws of Amerika
Outlaws of Amerika
1 item
The Opium trail
The Opium trail
1 item
Griechische Vasenmalerei: Auswahl hervorragender Vasenbilder, ser. 2, plates 61-120
Griechische Vasenmalerei: Auswahl hervorragender Vasenbilder, ser. 2, plates 61-120
1 item
Portraits of American composers
Portraits of American composers
1 item
Louisa Picquet, the octoroon; or, Inside views of southern domestic life
Louisa Picquet, the octoroon; or, Inside views of southern domestic life
1 item
Marco Rizo papers
Marco Rizo papers
1 item
Rebecca Kelly Video Archive
Rebecca Kelly Video Archive
1 item
Virginia Brooks Video Archive
Virginia Brooks Video Archive
1 item
Improvisations Unlimited Video Archive
Improvisations Unlimited Video Archive
1 item
Jacob's Pillow Collection
Jacob's Pillow Collection
1 item
Collection of 30 photographs and snapshots of W. H. Auden, Chester Kallman, Peter Butorac ...
Collection of 30 photographs and snapshots of W. H. Auden, Chester Kallman, Peter Butorac ...
1 item
Studies in Jewish bibliography and related subjects
Studies in Jewish bibliography and related subjects
1 item
Actors' directory & studio guide
Actors' directory & studio guide
1 item
A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem
A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem
1 item
A solemne ioviall disputation, theoreticke and practicke
A solemne ioviall disputation, theoreticke and practicke
1 item
Americana, satire and humor
Americana, satire and humor
1 item
Big Fella Motion Picture Stills Collection
Big Fella Motion Picture Stills Collection
1 item
Boot and shoe recorder
Boot and shoe recorder
1 item
Cincinnati sonst und jetzt
Cincinnati sonst und jetzt
1 item
Cram's modern reference atlas of the world
Cram's modern reference atlas of the world
1 item
Dearborn independent
Dearborn independent
1 item
Ellis Rabb papers
Ellis Rabb papers
1 item
Engineering record, building record and sanitary engineer
Engineering record, building record and sanitary engineer
1 item
Ewart Guinier photograph collection
Ewart Guinier photograph collection
1 item
George H. Budke collection
George H. Budke collection
1 item
Gunsaulus Mystery Motion Picture Stills Collection
Gunsaulus Mystery Motion Picture Stills Collection
1 item
Harlem Theater Stills Collection
Harlem Theater Stills Collection
1 item
Illustrations to Walt Whitman's Leaves of grass,
Illustrations to Walt Whitman's Leaves of grass,
1 item
Io. Bapt. Ferrarii: De florvm cvltvra libri IV
Io. Bapt. Ferrarii: De florvm cvltvra libri IV
1 item