NamesStephens, Georgia (Designer)Scher, Marilyn Habermas (Choreographer)Cheng, Maria (Choreographer)Morris, Wendy (Designer)Van Wieren, Laurie (Choreographer)Byrne, James (Producer)Stephens, Georgia (Choreographer)Stephens, Georgia (Dancer)Scher, Marilyn Habermas (Dancer)Scher, Marilyn Habermas (Composer)Cheng, Maria (Dancer)Morris, Wendy (Choreographer)Morris, Wendy (Dancer)Van Wieren, Laurie (Dancer)Van Wieren, Laurie (Singer)Byrne, James (Lighting designer)Byrne, James (Director)
CollectionGeneral Dance Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1985
Table of ContentsThe members of my party. Choreography/text/voice/scenery/costumes/performance: Georgia Stephens. Sound collage: Stephens, Victor Riley. Music: Riley, The Suburbs, J.S. Bach. Lighting: James Byrne. - Habitat. Choreography/music/performance: Marilyn Habermas Scher. Scenery/costumes: Cecilia Schiller. Lighting: Byrne. - Vision. Choreography/performance: Maria Cheng. Music: Mkwaju Ensemble. Text: Samuel Taylor Coleridge ("Kubla Khan"). Voice: Susan Dafoe. Lighting: Michael Pettee. - This body this place unnamed. Choreography/scenery/costumes/performance: Wendy Morris. Music: Wendy Ultan. Videotaped on location at A. & S. Asphalt, Anoka, Minnesota. - Beside herself. Choreography/vocals/performance: Laurie Van Wieren. Music: Wendy Ultan. Scenery/costumes: Nancy Carlson. Lighting: Byrne.
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 6907
TopicsPerformance art
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performances
NotesCreation/production credits: Videodance solos by five choreographers, photographed by James Byrne. Producer/director of photography: James Byrne. Edited by Byrne in collaboration with the respective choreographers.
Physical DescriptionVideocassetteExtent: 1 videocassette (U-matic) (30 min.) : sound, color ; 3/4 in.
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: NYPY906004522-FNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12168253Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 8a017b40-8283-0138-af0a-23feb1329177
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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