TitleInterview with Gary Chryst, 1976
Additional title: Sound of dance (Radio program)
NamesChryst, Gary (Interviewee)Gruen, John (Interviewer)
CollectionDance Audio Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1976-04-05
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZTCO 3-635 Side A
TopicsJooss, Kurt, 1901-1979Robbins, JeromeChryst, GaryTharp, TwylaJoffrey BalletPetrouchka (Choreographic work : Fokine)Parade (Choreographic work : Massine)
GenresInterviewsRadio programs
NotesContent: Title supplied by cataloger.Venue: Recorded for broadcast by WNCN, New York 1976, April 5 New York (N.Y.)Funding: The conservation and cataloging of this recording was made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The support of the National Endowment for the Arts is also gratefully acknowledged.
Physical DescriptionAudiocassetteExtent: 1 audiocassette (approximately 58 min.)Sound quality is excellent.
DescriptionInterview with Gary Chryst conducted by John Gruen, as host, for broadcast on April 5, 1976 by radio station WNCN, New York on its series The sound of dance.
Streaming audio file (approximately 58 minutes). [Music and introductory remarks by Oscar Buhler]. John Gruen, host, introduces Gary Chryst; Gary Chryst and Gruen speak about some of Chryst's roles at the Joffrey Ballet; Chryst's background; being coached by Leonide Massine in Massine's work Parade [a recording of an excerpt of the music by Erik Satie used in Parade is played]; working with Kurt Jooss in revivals of his ballets including Ball in old Vienna and The green table; his approach to his character roles; [a recording of an excerpt of the music by Morton Gould used in Jerome Robbins' ballet Interplay is played]; working with Jerome Robbins; dancing in Robbins' ballet Moves [a recording of an additional excerpt of the music by Morton Gould used in Interplay is played followed by commercial announcements]; Twyla Tharp and what it is like to perform her choreography; dancing the role of Petrouchka in Michel Fokine's ballet [a recording of an excerpt of the music by Igor Stravinsky for the ballet Petrouchka is played]; closing remarks and announcements.
Type of ResourceSound recording
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: 84331631NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12118490Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 38a0ea80-c27c-0135-e834-003b85d53ad9
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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