TitleWindows [and] BIPED
Additional title: Windows (Choreographic work : Cunningham)Additional title: Biped (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
NamesCunningham, Merce (Creator)Cunningham, Merce (Choreographer)Cage, John (Designer)Bryars, Gavin (Composer)Pimenta, Emanuel Dimas de Melo (Composer)Andrieux, Cédric (Dancer)Bokaer, Jonah (Dancer)Boudreau, Lisa (Dancer)Chen, Ashley (Dancer)Cunningham, Paige. (Dancer)Farmer, Holley (Dancer)Goggans, Jennifer (Dancer)Kirschner, Mandy (Dancer)Minato, Koji (Dancer)Roberts, Daniel Aguzzoli (Dancer)Squire, Daniel S. (Dancer)Steele, Jeannie K. (Dancer)Swan, Derry (Dancer)Swinston, Robert (Dancer)Therrien, Cheryl (Dancer)Kaiser, Paul, 1956- (Designer)Eshkar, Shelley (Designer)Merce Cunningham Dance Company (Presenter)
CollectionMerce Cunningham Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 2001-06-22
Table of ContentsWindows / performed by Cedric Andrieux, Jonah Bokaer, Lisa Boudreau, Ashley Chen, Holley Farmer, Jennifer Goggans, Mandy Kirschner, Koji Minato, Daniel Aguzzoli Roberts, Daniel Squire, Jeannie Steele, Derry Swan, Robert Swinston, Cheryl Therrien (32 min.) -- BIPED / performed by Cedric Andrieux, Jonah Bokaer, Lisa Boudreau, Ashley Chen, Paige Cunningham, Holley Farmer, Jean Freebury, Jennifer Goggans, Koji Minato, Daniel Squire, Jeannie Steele, Derry Swan, Robert Swinston, Cheryl Therrien (50 min.)
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 3605Shelf locator: *MGZIDVD 5-1371 (former)
TopicsModern dance
GenresFilmed performancesFilmed dance
NotesContent: Filmed in wide shot.Creation/production credits: Windows. Music by Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta. Decor by John Cage.Creation/production credits: BIPED. Music by Gavin Bryars. Decor by Paul Kaiser and Shelley Eshkar.Venue: Videotaped in performance at the Rivoli Teatro Municipal, Porto, Portugal, on June 22, 2001.
Physical DescriptionVideocassetteExtent: 1 videocassette (VHS) (PAL) (82 min.) : sound, color
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16413428Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 200bb7a0-314d-0132-0993-3c075448cc4b
Rights StatementThis item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
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