Additional title: Lost objects (Choreographic work : Brenner)Additional title: Awkward Stage (Choreographic work : Brenner)Additional title: Three Songs of Paradise (Choreographic work : Brenner)Additional title: Paradise (Choreographic work : Low)
NamesYan, Choong Lian (Artistic director)Brenner, Janis (Choreographer)Low, Sharon (Choreographer)Ying, Er Ding (Choreographer)Yang, Min Jian (Choreographer)Dance Ensemble Singapore (Performer)Hetian Film Productions (Videographer)
CollectionJanis Brenner Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 2008-08-16
Table of ContentsChapter 3. The Songs of Paradise (with bows) (approximately 15 min.) / choreographer, Janis Brenner (USA) -- The Awkward Stage (5 min.) / choreography, Janis Brenner (USA) -- Lost Objects (11 min.) / choreography, Janis Brenner (USA). |||| Chapter 2. [First dance] (9 min.) / choreographers, Ying Er Ding (Macau) and Yang Min Jian (Macau) -- [Second dance] (8 min.) / choreographer, Ying Er Ding (Macau). |||| Chapter 1. Paradise (Nature, Freedom, Exultant, Invigorate, Eternal Birth) (25 min.) / choreographer, Sharon Low (Singapore).
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDVD 5-6948
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performances
NotesStatement of responsibility: performed by Dance Ensemble Singapore.Creation/production credits: Videography, Hetian Film Productions.Performers: Dancers, Dance Ensemble Singapore (DES) (artistic director, Yan Choong Lian): Cai Shiji, Tey Danyi, Goh Yandan, Guo Lanjie, He Chang Jiang, Guo Xiao Xing, Ren Xiao Tao, Dong Xin Yu, Gueh Kaijie.Venue: Videotaped in performance at Victoria Theatre, Singapore 2008 August 16.Original version: Original format: 1 videodisc (DVD) ; 4 3/4 in.Acquisition: Gift; Janis Brenner; 2012.Language: In English and Chinese; some credits in Chinese.
Physical DescriptionVideodiscExtent: 1 videodisc (DVD) (73 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20027216Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 3dd501c0-b2b7-0131-0736-3c075448cc4b
Rights StatementThis item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
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