TitleComplexions--A Concept in Dance
Additional title: Frames (Choreographic work : Rhoden)Additional title: Global warming (Choreographic work : Rhoden)Additional title: Romeo & Julio (Choreographic work : Rhoden)Additional title: Growth (Choreographic work : Rhoden)Additional title: Inkblot (Choreographic work : Rhoden and Richardson)
NamesNew York Public Library. Dance Division (Producer)Richardson, Desmond (Auctioneer)Richardson, Desmond (Dancer)Thomas, Michael, active 1990 (Dancer)Williams, Sheri (Dancer)Rigert, Rebecca (Dancer)Gates, Jodie (Dancer)Taylor, Ryan (Dancer)Scott, Antonio Carlos (Dancer)Allen, Sarita (Dancer)Damiani, Alexandra (Dancer)Diaz, Alicia (Dancer)Freeman, Christopher Bryson (Dancer)Joo, Jae Man (Dancer)Lizalde, Ricky (Costume designer)Morinoue, Miho (Dancer)Cabassa, Nelson (Dancer)Scott, Deanna (Dancer)White, Sarah (Dancer)Hendrickson-Smith, Ian (Arranger)Rhoden, Dwight (Choreographer)Jackson, Wyatt (Composer)Hart, Mickey (Composer)Harris, Kemp, 1952- (Composer)Sosa, Emilio (Costume designer)Prater, Becky (Costume designer)Sather, Ann (Costume designer)Bonitsky, Daniel (Lighting designer)Toliver, Tricia (Lighting designer)Herst, Betsy (Lighting designer)Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953 (Composer)Petrilli, Steven (Lighting designer)Reich, Steve, 1936- (Composer)Woods, Collier (Lighting designer)Holub, Johannes (Videographer)Holub, Jenny (Videographer)Ward, Penny (Videographer)Complexions (Dance company) (Performer)Brooklyn Academy of Music (Event place)New York Public Library. Dance Collection (Associated name)Scott, Antonio Carlos (Composer)Rhoden, Dwight (Lyricist)
CollectionJerome Robbins Archive of the Recorded Moving Image Original Documentation
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1997-09-19
Table of ContentsReel 1. Frames (1993) (ca. 28 min.) / choreography, Dwight Rhoden ; music, Wyatt Jackson, Casualty Park, Mickey Hart, Kemp Harris ; lyrics, Dwight Rhoden ; original costume design, Emilio Sosa, re-created by Becky Prater and Ann Sather ; original lighting, Daniel Bonitsky, re-created by Tricia Toliver ; danced by Desmond Richardson, Michael Thomas, Sheri Williams, Rebecca Rigert ; Stanza 1, Love, danced by the cast ; Stanza 2, Falling, danced by the cast ; Stanza 3, In, danced by the cast ; Stanza 4, Therefore, danced by Thomas and Williams ; Stanza 5, Moonlight, danced by Richardson ; Stanza 6, Free, danced by the cast. |||| Global warming: duet (1996) (ca. 10 min.) / choreography, Dwight Rhoden ; music, Antonio Carlos Scott ; costumes, Ricky Lizalde ; lighting, Betsy Herst, Tricia Toliver ; danced by Jodie Gates and Ryan Taylor. |||| Romeo Julio (world premiere) (ca. 14 min.) / choreography, Dwight Rhoden ; music, Sergey Prokofiev, rearranged by Ian Hendrickson-Smith ; costumes, Ricky Lizalde ; lighting, Stephen Petrilli ; danced by Desmond Richardson and Antonio Carlos Scott ; music performed by Ian Hendrickson-Smith (saxophone), Richard DeBonis (drums), Jennifer Vincent (bass), Jeremy Manasia (piano). |||| Growth--a part of the bigger picture (1994) (ca. 8 min.) / choreography, Dwight Rhoden ; music, Steve Reich ; lighting, Collier Woods, re-created by Tricia Toliver ; danced by Sheri Williams. |||| Reel 2. Inkblot (world premiere) (ca. 48 min.) / choreography, Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson ; music, Antonio Carlos Scott ; costumes, Ricky Lizalde ; lighting, Stephen Petrilli ; danced by the Company. The sections of the work are: The visit -- White room -- Matrix -- Blots 1-5 -- Id -- Hemispheres -- Ego -- Rapid eye movement -- Superego -- Clinical -- Homeostasis.
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 2431Shelf locator: *MGZIC 9-5562 (former)
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performances
NotesCreation/production credits: artistic direction by Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson.Content: Accompanied by house program.Content: Recording made possible by the cooperation of Complexions--A Concept in Dance and the Jerome Robbins Archive of the Recorded Moving Image of the Dance Collection of The New York Public Library.Performers: Danced by Complexions--A Concept in Dance: Sarita Allen, Alexandra Damiani, Alicia Díaz, Chris Freeman, Jodie Gates, Jae Man Joo, Ricky Lizalde, Miho Morinoue, Nelson Cabassa, Deanna Scott, Rebecca Rigert, Antonio Carlos Scott, Ryan Brooke Taylor, Michael Thomas, Sarah White, Sheri Williams.Venue: Videotaped in performance at Brooklyn Academy of Music Majestic Theater, New York, on September 19, 1997; video directed by Johannes Holub; camera, Jenny Holub, Penny Ward.Funding: Recorded with the assistance of grants from New York State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.Funding: Preservation of this video was supported by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Physical DescriptionVideocassetteExtent: 2 videocassettes (Betacam SP) (110 min.) : sound, color ; 1/2 in.
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: NYPY97-F655NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b13397767Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): fe847ea0-8b65-0135-1e79-0373f1ba8124
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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