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Peintures executéés dans le tombeau de Rhamsès IV (Maiamoun).
Lith. Kaeppelin (Lithographer)
Bertin, A. (fl. ca. 1835-1845?) (Artist)

Wonders: Images of the Ancient World

Paintings -- Egyptian

Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1844 - 1889
Library locations
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection
Shelf locator: PC-WON PAINT-Egy
Painting, Egyptian
Syrians -- To 499
Content: Four Semitic men are shown in a manner typical of Egyptian painting. Their faces, dark hair and beards, and headwraps and fringed robes show that they come from a nation northeast of Egypt on the Mediterranean coast, probably Syria. Egyptian artists used formalized rules of portrayal so that viewers of their works would instantly know the nationality of a depicted person. Foreigners who appear in Egyptian art are usually traders, ambassadors and tribute bearers, or enemy warriors.
Content: Light, large patches of foxing scattered over image.
Source note: Monuments de l''Egypte et de la Nubie, d''àprès les dessins exécutés sur les lieux sous la direction de Champollion-le-jeune. (Paris : Didot, 1844-1889) Guizot, M. , Publisher. Thiers, M. , Publisher. Champollion, Jean François (1790-1832), Author.
Physical Description
Extent: 1 print : b ; 25 x 43 cm.
Type of Resource
Still image
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 49218a40-c5bf-012f-66c3-58d385a7bc34
Rights Statement
The New York Public Library believes that this item is in the public domain under the laws of the United States, but did not make a determination as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. This item may not be in the public domain under the laws of other countries. Though not required, if you want to credit us as the source, please use the following statement, "From The New York Public Library," and provide a link back to the item on our Digital Collections site. Doing so helps us track how our collection is used and helps justify freely releasing even more content in the future.

Item timeline of events

  • 1844: Issued (Approximate)
  • 2020: Digitized
  • 2025: Found by you!
  • 2026

MLA Format

The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. "Peintures executéés dans le tombeau de Rhamsès IV (Maiamoun)." The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1844 - 1889. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e4-6448-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

Chicago/Turabian Format

The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. "Peintures executéés dans le tombeau de Rhamsès IV (Maiamoun)." New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 20, 2025. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e4-6448-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

APA Format

The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. (1844 - 1889). Peintures executéés dans le tombeau de Rhamsès IV (Maiamoun). Retrieved from https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e4-6448-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

Wikipedia Citation

<ref name=NYPL>{{cite web | url=https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e4-6448-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 | title= (still image) Peintures executéés dans le tombeau de Rhamsès IV (Maiamoun)., (1844 - 1889) |author=Digital Collections, The New York Public Library |accessdate=January 20, 2025 |publisher=The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations}}</ref>

Peintures executéés dans le tombeau de Rhamsès IV (Maiamoun).