TitleRegina Resnik: song recital
Additional title: Recital by Regina Resnik
NamesResnik, Regina, 1922-2013 (Performer)Helliwell, Clifton (Performer)Schindler, Kurt, 1882-1935 (Arranger)British Broadcasting Corporation (Associated name)
CollectionRegina Resnik sound recordings materials
Dates / OriginDate Issued: 1960
Table of Contents1st part: Alessandro nell'Indie: Se il ciel mi divide / Niccolò Piccinni ; Chante de Marie Stuart / Jean-Paul-Égide Martini ; Le grillon / Jean Philippe Rameau ; Iphigénie en Aulide: Adieu / Christoph Willibald Gluck -- 2nd part: L'enfant Prodigue: Dieu d'Israel / Pierre Gaveaux ; Three songs of old Spain: Serenata de Murcia; Basque love song; El Paño / arranged by Kurt Schindler ; La favorite: O mio Fernando / Donizetti.
Library locationsRodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded SoundShelf locator: *LJ-12 5980
TopicsOperasSongs (Medium voice) with pianoFolk songs, SpanishPiccinni, Niccolò, 1728-1800. Alessandro nelle Indie. Se il ciel mi divide; arrangedMartini, Johann Paul Aegidius, 1741-1816. Plaintes de Marie StuartRameau, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764. GrillonGluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von, 1714-1787. Iphigénie en Aulide. Adieu, conservez dans votre âme; arrangedGaveaux, Pierre, 1760-1825. Enfant Prodigue. Dieu D'Israel; arrangedDonizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. Favorite. O mon Fernand. Italian; arrangedDonizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. Favorite. O mon Fernand
GenresMusicRadio programs
NotesContent: Title from original disc label; variant title from audition: repertoire from an enclosed note and audition.Content: Streaming files transferred from original audio disc.Performers: Regina Resnik, mezzo-soprano ; Clifton Helliwell, piano.Venue: Broadcast on BBC Radio in London 1960.Language: Sung in Italian, French, Spanish, and Basque; introductory announcements in English.Content: Forms part of: Regina Resnik sound recordings materials.
Physical DescriptionAudio discExtent: 1 audio disc (approximately 36 min.) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, mono ; 12 in.
Type of ResourceSound recording
LanguagesItalianFrenchSpanish, CastilianBasqueEnglish
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20540541RLIN/OCLC: 904296606Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 79df4ce0-b8af-0133-3a78-60f81dd2b63c
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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