TitleSolo dances: rehearsal, [spring, 1978]
Additional title: Sketch book (Choreographic work : Robbins and Martins)
NamesRobbins, Jerome (Director)D'Amboise, Christopher (Dancer)Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767 (Composer)New York City Ballet (Event place)Robbins, Jerome (Choreographer)
CollectionJerome Robbins Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1978
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 4629
TopicsRehearsalsDance rehearsals
GenresFilmed dance
NotesContent: Title from original container.Venue: Videotaped in New York City Ballet studio rehearsal, in rehearsal clothes, with piano accompaniment, in New York City, in spring 1978.Funding: Preservation made possible in part with public funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities.Biographical/historical: A sketch book, which premiered June 8, 1978, was made up of excerpts from works in progress by Jerome Robbins and Peter Martins. One of Robbins's contributions was a solo, danced by Daniel Duell, set to the Fantasy for unaccompanied violin by Telemann. The program note for this piece stated, "This is the first of three soli, each to a different instrument by a different dancer, and will conclude with a trio for all." The projected ballet was never performed.
Physical DescriptionVideocassetteExtent: 1 videocassette (Betacam SP) (5 min.) : sound, black and white ; 1/2 in.
DescriptionJerome Robbins directs a rehearsal of a choreographic work in progress set to three variations for solo flute by Telemann. This piece may be one of the solos from a projected ballet made up of three solos for different dancers, all set to unaccompanied instrumental works. Another of these solos was performed as part of A sketch book in 1978. At the beginning of the tape, three unidentified male dancers practice tours en l'air under Robbins's observation.
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: NYPT03-F326NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b15788918Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): e9ad2950-7698-0138-607b-0797b3db8974
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