TitleNew Music for Young Ensembles 30th anniversary concert, 2004-12-06
Additional title: New Music for Young Ensembles thirtieth anniversary concertAdditional title: NMYE 30th anniversary concertAdditional title: NMYE thirtieth anniversary concertAdditional title: That funny honey of mineAdditional title: Funny honeyAdditional title: Hot honey ragAdditional title: And all that jazzAdditional title: Shabbat shalomAdditional title: SomewhereAdditional title: TonightAdditional title: Affair to rememberAdditional title: Our love affairAdditional title: Hello young loversAdditional title: Wouldn't it be loverly?Additional title: I could have danced all nightAdditional title: West Side story (Motion picture)Additional title: Affair to remember (Motion picture)Additional title: King and I (Motion picture)Additional title: My fair lady (Motion picture)
NamesSherman, Robert, 1932- (Host)Howard, Peter, 1927-2008 (Arranger)Clark, Richard Auldon (Conductor)Rorem, Ned, 1923- (Performer)Tcimpidis, David (Commentator)Laderman, Ezra (Commentator)Clark, Richard Auldon (Commentator)Nixon, Marni (Commentator)Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972 (Lyricist)O'Hara, Frank, 1926-1966 (Lyricist)Bishop, Elizabeth, 1911-1979 (Lyricist)Hillyer, Robert, 1895-1961 (Lyricist)Ebb, Fred (Lyricist)Sondheim, Stephen (Lyricist)McCarey, Leo (Lyricist)Adamson, Harold (Lyricist)Lerner, Alan Jay, 1918-1986 (Lyricist)Murphree, Scott (Performer)Yajima, Hiroko (Performer)Smith, Wilhelmina (Performer)Sauer, Thomas, 1966- (Performer)McMurtery, John (Performer)Howard, Peter, 1927-2008 (Performer)Nixon, Marni (Performer)Goldstone, Bob (Performer)Manhattan Chamber Orchestra (Performer)Mannes Trio (Performer)
CollectionNew Music for Young Ensembles recordings
Dates / OriginDate Created: 2004-12-06
Table of Contents[Part 1]: [Opening remarks] (Robert Sherman, host) (0:00-1:32) -- Woodwind quintet (1975 NMYE 1st prizewinner): Moderato (2:44-4:32) ; Adagio (4:55-7:04) ; Allegro molto (7:17-9:00) / J. Ambrosio -- [Commentary] (Robert Sherman, host) (9:22-11:01) -- [Ned Rorem speaks] (11:05-13:14) ; [Robert Sherman talks with Ned Rorem] (13:15-14:25) -- Selected songs: The lordly Hudson (lyrics by Paul Goodman) (14:59-17:20) ; For Poulenc (lyrics by Frank O'Hara) (17:29-20:00) ; Visits to St. Elizabeths (lyrics by Elizabeth Bishop) (20:15-23:45) ; Early in the morning (lyrics by Robert Hillyer) (23:55-25:28) / N. Rorem -- [Commentary] (Robert Sherman, host) (26:08-27:31) -- Drift (in memory of the victims of 9/11) / D. Tcimpdis (29:12-40:30). |||| [Part 2]: [Robert Sherman talks with David Tcimpidis] (0:00-3:18) -- [Robert Sherman talks with Ezra Laderman] (3:28-6:17) -- [Richard Auldon Clark speaks] (7:43-8:53) -- Cadence, for 2 flutes and 9 strings (1979 1st NMYE commission) / E. Laderman (9:07-20:59) -- [Commentary] (Robert Sherman, host) (21:54-23:33) -- [Robert Sherman talks to Peter Howard] (23:51-25:10) -- That funny honey of mine [Funny honey] (from the musical Chicago) / J. Kander; arranged by P. Howard ; [Hot honey rag] (from the musical Chicago) / P. Howard (25:11-27:26) -- And all that jazz (from the musical Chicago) / J. Kander; arranged by P. Howard (27:32-28:33) -- Shabbat shalom (arranged by Peter Howard) (29:17-30:15) -- Familar tune (?) (30:16-30:46) -- [Commentary] (Robert Sherman, host) (31:13-31:57) -- [Marni Nixon speaks (low volume)] (32:15-33:25) -- Somewhere (33:26-35:01) ; Tonight (35:02-35:59) (from the 1961 musical film West Side Story) / L. Bernstein-S. Sondheim -- An affair to remember (Our love affair, sung in both French and English) (from the 1957 film "An affair to remember") / H. Warren-L. McCarey-H. Adamson (36:33-38:36) -- [Marni Nixon talks about working with Deborah Kerr in "The King and I"] (38:45-42:44) -- Hello young lovers (from the 1956 musical film "The King and I") / R. Rodgers-O. Hammerstein (42:45-45:46) -- [Marni Nixon taking off shoes (low volume)] (46:08-47:02) -- Wouldn't it be loverly? (47:03-48:18) ; I could have danced all night (48:23-50:40) (from the 1964 musical film "My fair lady") / F. Loewe-A. Lerner -- [Closing remarks] (Robert Sherman, host) (51:32-51:37)
Library locationsRodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded SoundShelf locator: *LDC-A 407
TopicsKerr, Deborah, 1921-2007Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972O'Hara, Frank, 1926-1966Bishop, Elizabeth, 1911-1979Hillyer, Robert, 1895-1961Wind quintets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe)Songs (High voice) with pianoPiano triosInstrumental ensemblesPiano music, ArrangedMusicalsMotion picture musicAmbrosio, Joseph. Quintets, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, hornRorem, Ned, 1923- Lordly HudsonRorem, Ned, 1923- For PoulencRorem, Ned, 1923- Visits to St. ElizabethsRorem, Ned, 1923- Early in the morningTcimpidis, David. DriftLaderman, Ezra. CadenceKander, John. Chicago. Funny honey; arrangedHoward, Peter, 1927-2008. Hot honey ragKander, John. Chicago. All that jazz; arrangedBernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990. West Side story. Somewhere; arrangedBernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990. West Side story. Tonight; arrangedWarren, Harry, 1893-1981. Affair to remember; arrangedRodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. King and I. Hello, young lovers; arrangedLoewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. My fair lady. Wouldn't it be loverly; arrangedLoewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. My fair lady. I could have danced all night; arranged
NotesContent: Title from compact disc container.Performers: [Part 1]: 1st work: Five unidentified wind players (Flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, horn) from the Manhattan Chamber Orchestra ; Richard Auldon Clark, conductor. 2nd-5th works: Ned Rorem, piano and commentary ; Scott Murphree, tenor. 6th work: The Mannes Trio (Hiroko Yajima, violin ; Wilhelmina Smith, cello ; Thomas Sauer, piano). [Part 2]: David Tcimpidis and Ezra Laderman, additional commentary. 1st work: John McMurtery and Lucian Rinando, flutes ; nine unidentified string players from the Manhattan Chamber Orchestra ; Richard Auldon Clark, conductor and commentator. 2nd-6th works: Peter Howard, piano, arranger, vocals and commentary. 7th-12th works: Marni Nixon, soprano ; Bob Goldstone, piano. [Parts 1-2]: Robert Sherman, host.Venue: Recorded Weill Concert Hall, Carnegie Hall, New York, New York 2004 December 6.Acquisition: Separated from: Music Division, New Music for Young Ensembles records.Language: Spoken in English, sung in English and French.Content: Forms part of: New Music for Young Ensembles recordings, in *L (Special) 10-17.
Physical DescriptionAudio discExtent: 2 audio discs (94 min., 11 sec.) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.
Type of ResourceSound recording
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20218703NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20252577RLIN/OCLC: 885029608Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): d974ee30-b729-0133-5502-3c07547a230f
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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